J Programs That Look Like Shitposts
vis =: (1 , }:@] <&,. }.@]) >./\
cw =: |:@|.
ccw =: |.@|:
+/ ,@,: ((vis a) +. (ccw vis cw a) +. (ccw ccw vis cw cw a) +. (cw vis ccw a))
This is my solution to part 1 of day 8 #AdventOfCode22.
Every year I start Advent of Code with the ambition of getting of as far as a I possibly can. This year was no different, 2 stars for the first 6 days, then nothing.
I just ran out of steam and time, there's just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to do everything!
#adventofcode #adventofcode22 #AdventOfCode2022
Finally pushed my #Rust resolution of #AdventOfCode22 Day 7! Ugh this filesystem was difficult to handle with all the multiple references for parent and children hierarchies...
Yesterday I finished #AdventOfCode22 day 5 in #Rust.
Had a lot of fun with iterators and learn new ways to use them!
Also tried to "remove the N last elements" of a vector... and discovered this is not yet supported 🤯 But... I don't want to loop N times and call "pop()" ðŸ˜
I’m keeping my solutions to #adventofcode22 here https://github.com/jgnagy/aoc2022 where I’m trying to solve each day in #ruby, #crystal, and #elixir. Today’s was fun.
I’m sure none of my solutions are the best, but my goal is to keep learning and have some fun.
#adventofcode22 #ruby #crystal #elixir
Earlier today I talked about the little proc_macro-based CLI I wrote for #AdventOfCode22... and it's now available on GitHub! 🦀😎
I'll also push my solutions there 🔥
#rustlang #rust #adventofcode22
Yesterday I started #adventofcode22 in #Rust.
I was already 4 days late and I only did day 1... Because somehow I found it was my duty to learn proc_macros and write a complete Advent of Code runner CLI 😅
Might publish it on GitHub soon, stay tuned!
Okay, solved day 3 of #AdventOfCode22. I had a cursed solution based on RegExes for part 1 but had to generalise for part 2 and the solution without RegExes is nicer. I don't have a "simple" solution yet, though.
I definitely already learned a bunch of stuff about Array.prototype methods.
Day 2: a change of pace, I was told about #adventofcode22 and decided to pour my evening into the first puzzle! Took me a while to get this figured out but I can understand what I wrote. Little help from YouTube, but can’t tell you how much fun it was #python #adventofcode #merrycodemas
#merrycodemas #adventofcode #python #adventofcode22
3 days into the #adventofcode22 and already I'm feeling like I'm working for the elves.
@rc0n yep that is actually one reason I do #adventofcode22
I want to learn the std lib of rust
What it offers and what it does not offer
The puzzles help me to guide my learning
#adventofcode Day 2: https://replit.com/@NeilButler/Advent-of-Code-2022-2#AoC-2022-2-1.py #adventofcode22
This year I will try to solve the #aoc2022 with these languages #ruby, Objective-C with #objfw and maybe #Rust or #Crystal
What language you choose or is anybody else with these languages on start? 😀
Let me know !
#aoc2022 #ruby #objfw #rust #crystal #adventofcode #adventofcode22
Does anyone have suggestions for this? I haven't had an IDE that I've actually used regularly in many years, and nothing I've ever used with #Nim (#nimlang ? Which tag should I be using?) What're the preferred tools here? I'm stuck on a Windows laptop for the moment, but can probably get WSL running in short order too.
#adventofcode #adventofcode22
#nim #nimlang #adventofcode #adventofcode22
Just did day 1 #adventOfCode22 tried JavaScript. What a mess should have used R. 😂 result worked but was grotesque. Now back to Python for the day job! https://adventofcode.com/2022/about
My solutions to #adventofcode22 Day 1: https://replit.com/@NeilButler/Advent-of-Code-2022-1-1#aoc-2022-1-1.py a nice one to start the month. #adventofcode
Really excited about #adventofcode22 starting tomorrow. https://adventofcode.com/ A coding puzzle a day up to Christmas, to be solved in the language of your choice. Was loads of fun last year. The subreddit is fascinating - there were even some scratch solutions posted! @rmillwood @pamelaaobrien @magsamond #adventofcode