Lucy then fell asleep, and had a vision of Agatha standing surrounded by angels and adorned with precious stones, and Agatha said to her: "My sister Lucy, virgin consecrated to God, why do you ask me for something that you yourself can do for your mother? Indeed, your faith has already cured her." Lucy, awakening, said to her mother: "Mother, you are healed!”
- The Golden Legend: Readings on the Saints
By Jacobus de Voragine
#Christianity #SaintLucy #ChristianWomen #AdventSeason #SaintAgatha
#christianity #saintlucy #christianwomen #adventseason #saintagatha
#AdventSeason #AdventWreath #PrayerCandles it’s almost Xmas!!! 🙏🏻
#adventseason #adventwreath #prayercandles
#Weihnachtsmarkt #Forchheim am 14.12.2022
#Adventsmarkt #Wintermarkt #Adventszeit #Markt #Advent #Weihnachten #Christmas #Glühwein #ChristmasMarket #Advent #AdventSeason #SantaClaus #planet_of_christmas
#planet_of_christmas #santaclaus #adventseason #christmasmarket #Gluhwein #christmas #weihnachten #advent #markt #adventszeit #wintermarkt #Adventsmarkt #Forchheim #weihnachtsmarkt
#Weihnachtsmarkt #Forchheim am 14.12.2022
#Adventsmarkt #Wintermarkt #Adventszeit #Markt #Advent #Weihnachten #Christmas #Glühwein #ChristmasMarket #Advent #AdventSeason #SantaClaus #planet_of_christmas
#planet_of_christmas #santaclaus #adventseason #christmasmarket #Gluhwein #christmas #weihnachten #advent #markt #adventszeit #wintermarkt #Adventsmarkt #Forchheim #weihnachtsmarkt
Be sure to do some dancing on this feast day of #OurLadyOfGuadalupe because although it looks like she is just praying in this famous image you can see by her bent knee that she is dancing so her hands are also clapping!! Dance is a very traditional devotion for this day in the Americas especially in Mexico and Texas! Even if it’s just a little bit of a wiggle or nodding your head to some music I hope you can include some movement in your faith today! #Catholic #AdventSeason #Catholicism
#OurLadyofGuadalupe #catholic #adventseason #catholicism
Happy #GaudeteSunday 🕯️🕯️🕯️💗 #Catholic #AdventSeason also happy feast day of our lady of Guadalupe as well!!
#GaudeteSunday #catholic #adventseason
“How often I have longed to gather your children as a hen gathers her brood under her wing” #GospelofMatthew 23:37
#LiturgyOfTheHours #4WeekPsalter
Week II - Saturday Morning #AdventSeason
#gospelofmatthew #liturgyofthehours #4weekpsalter #adventseason
A reading from #SaintPaul #Romans15:4-13
Whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, so that by perseverance and by encouragement from the scriptures we might have hope. May the God of perseverance and encouragement grant you live in harmony with one another, in keeping with the spirit of Christ Jesus, so that together you may, with one voice, glorify the God and Creator of Jesus the Christ.
Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ Jesus has welcomed you. Do so for the glory of God. For I tell you that Jesus became a servant to the circumcised, the Judeans, to confirm the truth of God's promises to their ancestors; and he became a servant to the Gentiles, so that all might glorify God for the divine compassion shown to all. As it is foretold in scripture,
"I will confess You among the Gentiles, and sing praises to your Name";
and again, it says,
"Rejoice, O Gentiles, with God's people"
and again,
"Praise the Holy One, all you Gentiles, Let all the peoples praise the Holy Name";
and again, Isaiah says,
"The root of Jesse and Ruth will sprout. The one who will rise up and
call forth the Gentiles will come.
In that One the Gentiles shall hope."
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
#Christianity #BibleVerses #AdventSeason
#SaintPaul #romans15 #christianity #bibleverses #adventseason
A reading from the #ProphetIsaiah 11:1-10
A flower shall come out from the root of Jesse, a wild shoot shall grow out from the roots.
The spirit of God will be at work in that flowering, the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the spirit of counsel and strength,
the spirit of knowledge and wonder.
The joy of that child will be in God.
Not by appearance will the child judge, nor by hearsay decide.
Instead, you shall judge the poor with justice,
and defend the meek of the earth with equity.
Righteousness shall be the belt around your waist, and faithfulness will gird your loins.
The wolf will nestle with the lamb. The leopard will lie down with the kid,
the calf and the lion and the fatling together,
and a young child will lead them.
The cow and the bear will graze in the same pasture,
their young lie down together.
The lion will eat straw like the ox.
The nursing child will play over the hole of the asp,
and the weaned child put its hand on the adder’s den.
None will hurt or destroy
on all my holy mountain.
For the earth will be full of the knowledge of God, as the waters fill the sea.
On that day, the flower of Jesse will be a sign for all peoples.
All nations will seek it out, and it will be glorious.
#BibleVerses #Christianity #AdventSeason
#prophetisaiah #bibleverses #christianity #adventseason
Veni Veni Emmanuel (good morning!)
#AdventSeason #Christianity
Wer Kinder hat, hat auch ausreichend einsame Socken.
#adventseason #adventschallenge #adventsturen
2. Advent
Mein Adventstürchen.
#adventseason #adventschallenge #adventsturen
Erster Advent
#AdventSeason #advent #Adventstüren #schokolade #adventskalendertröt
#adventskalendertrot #schokolade #adventsturen #advent #adventseason
Happy #Advent I got dinosaur bones, what did you get?
#happyadvent #adventseason #christmasiscoming
#Advent #happyadvent #adventseason #christmasiscoming
Happy #Advent I got dinosaur bones, what did you get?
#happyadvent #adventseason #christmasiscoming
#Advent #happyadvent #adventseason #christmasiscoming
#Weihnachtsmarkt #Forchheim am 30.11.2022
#Adventsmarkt #Wintermarkt #Adventszeit #Markt #Advent #Weihnachten #Christmas #Glühwein #ChristmasMarket #Advent #AdventSeason
#adventseason #christmasmarket #Gluhwein #christmas #weihnachten #advent #markt #adventszeit #wintermarkt #Adventsmarkt #Forchheim #weihnachtsmarkt
#Weihnachtsmarkt #Forchheim am 30.11.2022
#Adventsmarkt #Wintermarkt #Adventszeit #Markt #Advent #Weihnachten #Christmas #Glühwein #ChristmasMarket #Advent #AdventSeason
#adventseason #christmasmarket #Gluhwein #christmas #weihnachten #advent #markt #adventszeit #wintermarkt #Adventsmarkt #Forchheim #weihnachtsmarkt