… in this world more things exist without our knowledge than with it and the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way. For existence has its own order and that no man’s mind can compass, that mind itself being but a fact among others.
Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian, 1985
#shotoniphone #iphone14 #OurPNW #PNWlife #artoflife #pnwonderland #optoutside #neverstopexploring #photooftheday #mountaineers #adventure #forest #Washington #washingtonexplored #adventureisoutthere #wilderness #wildernessculture #Washington #river #snoqualmie #Washington #PNW #cascadiaexplored #friluftsliv #wander #wanderwashington
#shotoniphone #iphone14 #ourpnw #pnwlife #artoflife #pnwonderland #optoutside #neverstopexploring #photooftheday #mountaineers #adventure #forest #washington #washingtonexplored #adventureisoutthere #wilderness #wildernessculture #river #snoqualmie #pnw #cascadiaexplored #friluftsliv #wander #wanderwashington
A fun little game for point-and-click fans. -
#adventure #adventureisoutthere #adventurelife #adventures #adventuretime #adventuretravel #game #gamer #gamerdad #games #gaming #pointandclickadventure #ps4 #retro #retrogaming #videogame #videogamecollection #videogaming #xbox #GeforceNow
#adventure #adventureisoutthere #adventurelife #adventures #adventuretime #adventuretravel #game #gamer #gamerdad #games #gaming #pointandclickadventure #ps4 #retro #retrogaming #videogame #videogamecollection #videogaming #xbox #geforcenow
This is my last "normal for me" Thursday (pints, matches, live music, heaps of food) until June. Only realised this now. Not exactly sure what to make of that.
#adventureisoutthere #iwannastayhome #yaneverknowuntilyago
Trying a new space where there seems to be less hate so thought I’d share my girls with you all. Brèagha and Dorcha (Scots Gàidhlig for “Pretty” and “Dark”. #Doods #doodles #dogs #yorkiepoo #scotland #adventure #adventureisoutthere #dogwalks
#doods #doodles #Dogs #yorkiepoo #scotland #adventure #adventureisoutthere #dogwalks