Returned to Dragonlance tonight for our #adventurersleague meetup. After arriving at the Dragon Army camp where the prisoners we hope to rescue are being kept, we ended the session with a plan of attack. The sorcerer and the druid (me) will polymorph into giant apes while the wizard upcasts fly on us. Then both giant monkeys will carry a gnome knight into the enemy camp while the monk sneaks in to free the prisoners. Most #dnd thing ever?
Finished Dungeons and Dragons #RimeoftheFrostmaiden and wanted to do a post campaign discussion with my friends and players. Got our thoughts out on the book and format of #DnD #Adventurersleague!
#RimeoftheFrostmaiden #DnD #adventurersleague
We still have some pre-bookable spaces in the following games of Dungeons & Dragons over the Friday (7pm), Saturday (4:30pm and 7pm) and Sunday (10am, 12pm and 2:30pm) of the convention.
Find out more:
#TTS2023 #TTRPGs #RPGs #DnD5e #AdventurersLeague
#adventurersleague #dnd5e #rpgs #ttrpgs #tts2023
This year we have 59 sessions of Dungeons & Dragons Adventurers League over 3 days, inc 3 Epics and short intro adventures.
Con tickets go on sale Saturday 29th April @ 8pm
Event booking opens 10th June @ 8pm.
#TTS2023 #DnD #DnD5e #RPGLifeUK #AdventurersLeague #Dungeoncraft
#dungeoncraft #adventurersleague #RPGLifeUK #dnd5e #dnd #tts2023
I found it by searching for D&D Adventurers League on the WotC page, and this store being the only hit in 50 miles.
I emailed the store Sunday night asking for details. The listed store contact email was someone's, and I never got a reply. So today I called, and got a rundown: they have a lot of players and a lot of tables, they start around 6:30 (6:00 was listed on WotC's site and the store's own site), come early to see if you can get in on a table.
I got there at 5:45 and one room was getting set up. They were not running AL, but pointed to another table that was going to get set up. I talked to that table, and no they don't run AL, check around the corner. Two more tables, neither of them running AL. Long story short, nobody at all runs AL, but each table thinks there are at least two others that do. Game store owner is completely clueless, he just sees people show up and buy stuff.
One table was running a one shot with only three players present, they invited me in, I quickly leveled up a starter character to 3 and joined in. Had a fun time. It was mostly just a dungeon crawl with flavor text, the DM just droned out "read aloud" information, and needed prompting more than once to describe the room beyond just the exits and the presence of monsters.
I think if there's an excess of players next week and not enough DMs, I'll offer to run a one shot for any stragglers. I've got a simple scenario memorized that I keep in my back pocket that should last a single session.
#dnd #DnD5e #AdventurersLeague
#dnd #DnD5e #adventurersleague
The Conmar Winter Festival is live, and our charity bundle is out! Even if you are not playing this week, take the opportunity to buy this awsome bundle to support Cancer research:
#alnordic #dnd5e #rpg #dnd #ttrpg #adventurersleague
A cool bit of history and info about Adventurers League. #dnd #organizedplay #adventurersleague
#adventurersleague #organizedplay #DnD
I did a Brave and signed up to go to the local #DnD #AdventurersLeague
I made a wizard character, and I forgot how hard choosing spells is! (Only second time making a character, I'm a N00b.)
@Ellteo I love the Adventurers League community. Mostly an including and welcoming bunch. He's welcome at the AL Nordic discord server for games and fun. I can also recommend Trident games, Baldman Games, The Legitimate Business and others, depending on time zone. #dnd5e #adventurersleague
Have anyone organised a charity con wih rerolls? How did you organise it? Help me out here #adventurersleague #dnd5e #dnd #rpg
#adventurersleague #dnd5e #dnd #rpg
#dnd #adventurersleague Dragons of Stormwreck Isle Adaptation guidance. This is for AL play of the box set, however it is also not bad advice if you want to run it for a group outside of AL.
#AdventurersLeague DMing at #garycon!
Our Adventurers League room is one of the best in the country. This year, beyond the exclusive #WeAreGrung event that takes place on Saturday night, we'll have partner tables set up in the room that will feature non-Adventurers League content from Kobold Press, Esper Genesis 5E RPG, World of Game Design and Mirrorscape!
#adventurersleague #Garycon #wearegrung
Me: What will make running these Adventurerâs League games sustainable is that theyâre all module based, so there wonât be too much prep.
Also me: I could redo all these maps in colour for sure.
#dungeonsanddragons #adventurersleague
#dungeonsanddragons #adventurersleague