GlennMagusHarvey · @glennmagusharvey
15 followers · 150 posts · Server

Saw this game, Arkista's Ring, on someone's shelf, and I got curious. It's a top-down action game, vaguely resembling 2D or early games, but your main weapon is arrows, and you play through one level at a time so it looks reminiscent of . Looks pretty fun, and I wish it got a remake. (Preferably with the annoying thing of making you play through the game again removed.) Wikipedia says it was released in 1990, (and only in North America), so while it has a it comes a few years after .

#zelda #ys #adventuresoflolo #ghostsngoblins #femaleprotagonist #metroid #nes #retrogames #videogames #arkistasring

Last updated 2 years ago

ismagarzon · @ismagarzon
17 followers · 32 posts · Server

22 - Adventures of Lolo, NES
Una gran revelación! Un grandísimo juego de puzzles en el que trabajó Satoru Iwata; muy cuqui en lo gráfico y una cantidad de niveles enorme. Es un imprescindible de la consola.

#adventuresoflolo #nes #famicom #retrogaming #videojuegos #satoruiwata #Nintendo #retro #nintendoswitch #puzzle #retrogames

Last updated 2 years ago