From #TheHouseOfMisfitCats wishing you all the happiest of holidays and may 2023 bring all that you want and more #AdventuresOfPrincessGracie #AdventuresOfScoutCat #AdventuresOfCopperCat #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday
#thehouseofmisfitcats #adventuresofprincessgracie #adventuresofscoutcat #adventuresofcoppercat #catsofmastodon #caturday
#AdventuresOfPrincessGracie got her stitches out yesterday from her spaying surgery and now she's back to the cute and sassy kitten she's always been. Pictured here playing with #AdventuresOfScoutCat after they flipped their holiday house. #CatsOfMastodon
#adventuresofprincessgracie #adventuresofscoutcat #catsofmastodon
Just lounging around on the first real snow day this season… #AdventuresOfScoutCat #CatsOfMastodon #LongLegs
#adventuresofscoutcat #catsofmastodon #longlegs
While #AdventuresOfPrincessGracie is at the vet today (#SpayDay) #AdventuresOfScoutCat is getting some deep catnaps in 😻
#adventuresofprincessgracie #spayday #adventuresofscoutcat
Sorry two in one day, but just have to note that we’re all going squirrely (sp?) in #TheHouseOfMisfitCats and winter has barely started. Scout still thinks he can fit under my computer monitors (I’m still working from home) and is insistent that life is better on the other side of them 😂 #AdventuresOfScoutCat
#thehouseofmisfitcats #adventuresofscoutcat
“Did you just say I’m CUTE?!” The sound of the word cute just somehow resonates with him each and every single time. He gets excited, aggressively snuggling and the list goes on. Here he is today vs a year ago - he’ll be 16 months old in two weeks 💜 #AdventuresOfScoutCat
Starting over on a new server, our forever home, so let's do this #introduction again. These are the current three residents, #AdventuresOfCopperCat is 10, #AdventuresOfScoutCat is just over 1, and #AdventuresOfPrincessGracie we think is just under a year old - she was found a few months ago wandering the neighbourhood, not sure why anyone would have given her up but she's safe and loved here. Happy #caturday new friends (every day is caturday here 💜)
#introduction #adventuresofcoppercat #adventuresofscoutcat #adventuresofprincessgracie #caturday
#AdventuresOfScoutCat is taking his homework of practicing how to be a #gargoyle from kitty school seriously #CatsOfMastodon
#adventuresofscoutcat #gargoyle #catsofmastodon
#NightNight new friends xoxo #AdventuresOfScoutCat
#NightNight #adventuresofscoutcat