Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #3
Comic Book Haiku
Jon sees what he could
become if he did what he
always wanted to.
#dccomics #dcuniverse #comicbooks #comics #comicbookhaiku #adventuresofsuperman
#dccomics #dcuniverse #comicbooks #comics #comicbookhaiku #adventuresofsuperman
ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN aired its last original episode tonight in 1958.
#GeorgeReeves (1914-1959) has lived on in reruns as the Man of Steel ever since.
#adventuresofsuperman #1950s #1950stv #superman #classictv #GeorgeReeves
“My Jimmy Olsen became more of a comic juvenile than a straight juvenile in peril. And this was much to my delight!”
#AdventuresOfSuperman star #JackLarson (1928-2015) would have been 95 today.
#jacklarson #nostalgia #superman #1950s #1950stv #classictv #adventuresofsuperman
“I get asked why I’m masking a smile so much [on #AdventuresOfSuperman]. Jimmy’s in deadly peril, and I’m laughing! It’s because #GeorgeReeves would say something funny just before he broke through the wall….He called himself ’Superboo’.”
#NoelNeill (1920-2016) — the first actress to play #LoisLane on screen — was #BornOnThisDay.
#noelneill #1950stv #classictv #superman #bornonthisday #loislane #GeorgeReeves #adventuresofsuperman