There’s some really top notch secure coding advice on this site 🤣
(via LiveOverflow)
#gets #SecureCoding #AdversarialAI #AdversarialAttack #Luddites
#gets #securecoding #adversarialAI #adversarialattack #luddites
Anti-#AI technology, and more generally, #AdversarialAI, is the new arms race.
#Cybersecurity companies, take note.
#Art #ArtificialIntelligence
#ai #adversarialAI #cybersecurity #art #artificialintelligence
#AiArt #AdversarialMachineLearning #AdversarialAi
I can't *find* it now, but I read this thing where someone analyzed several training images of a certain subject, found pixels they had in common, and added that almost-invisible pattern to unrelated images to fool the AI image classifier into thinking they were that subject.
What if a group of artists with similar styles added a watermark to their work that'd be noticable to AI software but not to human viewers?
#aiart #adversarialmachinelearning #adversarialAI
New Go-playing trick defeats world-class Go AI—but loses to human amateurs
#machinelearning #adversarialAI #AdamGleave #Boardgames #alphago #Biz&IT #KataGo #AI #go
#machinelearning #adversarialAI #AdamGleave #boardgames #alphago #biz #KataGo #AI #go