I think it's also a good time to ressurect the #AdVerse adage as opposed to the #Fediverse
#Meta is Ad-verse
Happy to have no f idea what ’succession’ was despite every so called newspaper trying to promote it as news. Please do not tell me about it.
Canada to start tracking #adverse effects of #NaturalHealth products | CTV News https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/industry-blindsided-by-federal-government-s-plan-to-track-ill-effects-of-natural-health-products-1.6412461 “The provisions had been discussed before, said Aaron Skelton, president of the Canadian Health Food Association. But "there was nothing that would have indicated to industry that it was imminent," he said.”
But “blind sided” 🤔
#adverse : acting against, or in a contrary direction
- French: adverse
- German: nachteilig, negativ
- Italian: avverso
- Portuguese: adverso
- Spanish: adverso
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/past
Are you ok ?
Sinking down
thoughts fade away.
Then someone asks,
“Are you ok ?”
The question bangs
against the wall,
and makes a sound
to frame the fall.
The funk that wonders
what words mean.
When souls are mimicked
by machines.
The sadness of
the callused hands
That cannot hold
the sands of plans.
The endless, fruitless
poets dream.
To find the words
that feelings mean.
By forcing words
the words felt forced.
And time and topics
coerced the course.
For days the words
just seemed perverse.
Twisting rhymes
to fit #adverse.
So I laid my sword
Upon my breast
And stole a time
to take a rest.
Am I ok?
It’s hard to say
But I’ll lift my sword
And write today.
@Ravencanada thanks for asking 🙏
#poetry #Poem
#MastoPrompt #Adverse
For more follow @Swan
⬇️⬇️⬇️🔁Please boost 🔁⬇️⬇️⬇️
#adverse #poetry #poem #MastoPrompt
#adverse : acting against, or in a contrary direction
- French: adverse
- German: nachteilig, negativ
- Italian: avverso
- Portuguese: adverso
- Spanish: adverso
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/past
@Kim The #Fediverse is community while the #Adverse (ad-driven universe) is angsty.
I look forward to exploring the rest of the #Fediverse beyond Mastodon.
The other place is focused on — I can’t believe this seemed normal just last week — focused on ADVERTISERS! Twitter Owner is talking to advertisers, talking about advertisers, and pundits are judging the new owner’s handling of Twitter in terms of advertising. Ads ads ads.
That place, therefore, is the #Adverse. No wonder the angst was turned up to 11.
Also relevant post, by @selamjie
#Mastodon is a “high #engagement, low #reach” platform, #Tumblr has similar characteristics. This does matter in a prospective addition of Tumblr to the #Fediverse, because in contrast to the other #Adverse silos content diffusion is organic.
#adverse #fediverse #tumblr #reach #Engagement #mastodon
@th_willenbrink @jlhertel Look at who is telling you that. And make your guesses. Like, that's those folks who ask for credentials to test an offline app, or want an age confirm for a Fedi app because it could show user-provided content… https://sylviavanos.nl/blog/2021/12/24/google_play_hell.html
Oh, and who want you to stay in their #Adverse walled garden ("Thou shalt not have other stores beside me") 🙊
That said, the outdated app had its last release about a week ago 😝
Looks like Twitter is singing "Baby Come Back" today.
What a mess. As happy I am to have heard of Mastodon in the blowup, I take no joy in the chaos real people are experiencing in their real lives. Sucks to get jerked around.
[台灣紅十字會推文] @TAIWAN_REDCROSS@twitter.com:「 Psychosocial support helps children, adults, and communities to heal psychological wounds, rebuild social structures, and cope with #adverse situation after experiencing a critical event.」