Initial findings from a large clinical trial testing a vaccine against the chikungunya virus show the vaccine generates protective antibodies in the vast majority of recipients.
#News #Press #Science #Business #Biotechnology #Chikungunya #Virus #Mosquitoes #Fever #ClinicalTrial #Antibodies #Placebo #AdverseEffects #Efficacy #Denmark
#News #press #science #business #biotechnology #chikungunya #Virus #mosquitoes #fever #ClinicalTrial #antibodies #placebo #adverseeffects #efficacy #denmark
A clinical trial assessing a synthetic antibody to generate an immediate response and also generate a more durable treatment for solid tumor cancers, advanced to a mid-stage study.
#News #Press #Science #Business #Cancer #Biotechnology #ClinicalTrial #Immunotherapy #AdverseEffects #CheckpointInhibitor #Antibody #ImmuneSystem #TCells #InnateImmuneSystem
#News #press #science #business #cancer #biotechnology #ClinicalTrial #Immunotherapy #adverseeffects #checkpointinhibitor #antibody #immunesystem #Tcells #innateimmunesystem
AMP has just published!
"Pigmentação Cutânea Secundária a Minociclina"
Letter to the Editor by Carolina Figueiredo and Maria Manuel Xavier from Departamento de Dermatologia do Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Portugal.
Full paper available here:
#Hyperpigmentation #chemicallyinduced #Minocycline #adverseeffects
#hyperpigmentation #chemicallyinduced #minocycline #adverseeffects
Trial Underway Testing Dried Plasma for Transfusions
A clinical trial is recruiting participants to assess the safety and feasibility of a system for spray drying and re-constituting a person's blood plasma.
#News #Press #Science #Business #Plasma #Blood #ClinicalTrial #Frozen #SprayDried #MedicalDevice #Trauma #AdverseEffects #ShelfLife #FirstResponders #Military
#News #press #science #business #plasma #blood #ClinicalTrial #frozen #spraydried #MedicalDevice #trauma #adverseeffects #shelflife #firstresponders #military
COVID-19-Shot-Nebenwirkungsleugner: Es sieht aus wie Urin, riecht und schmeckt wie Urin, das muss Bier sein #BritishHeartFoundation #mRNA-COVID-19Shots #Herzerkrankungen #Vorhorfflimmern #AdverseEffects #Nebenwirkungen #AseemMalhotra #Corona-Virus #Schlaganfall #Gesundheit #COVID-19 #Impfung #Tabu
#tabu #impfung #covid #gesundheit #schlaganfall #corona #aseemmalhotra #nebenwirkungen #adverseeffects #vorhorfflimmern #herzerkrankungen #mrna #britishheartfoundation
#CelinaSpookyBoo shares her experience with Ozempic and effects few anticipate and even fewer know are very real risks.
#Ozempic #Wegovy #AdverseEffects
#MentalHealth #SuicidalIdeation #SelfHarm
#celinaspookyboo #selfharm #suicidalideation #mentalhealth #adverseeffects #Wegovy #ozempic
Plötzlich gibt es Langzeitfolgen von COVID-19 “Impfstoffen” – Vom [fast erreichten] Ende einer Lüge und den Verantwortlichen für viel Leid #Impfstoffe/Gentherapien #Corona-Maßnahmen #AdverseEffects #KarlLauterbach #Nebenwirkungen #Comirnaty #mRNA-1273 #BionTech #BNT162b2 #COVID-19 #Spikevax #Impfung #Moderna #Pfizer #mRNA
#pfizer #moderna #impfung #spikevax #covid #bnt162b2 #biontech #mrna #comirnaty #nebenwirkungen #karllauterbach #adverseeffects #corona #impfstoffe
AMP has just published!
"Kidney Injury after Cardiac Surgery: Prevention-Associated Cost Reduction"
Full paper available here:
#acutekidneyinjury #economics #etiology #biomarkers #cardiacsurgicalprocedures #adverseeffects #hospitalcosts #riskfactors
#acutekidneyinjury #economics #etiology #biomarkers #cardiacsurgicalprocedures #adverseeffects #hospitalcosts #riskfactors
Nasal Spray Reduces Flu Duration in Challenge Trial
An #influenza #vaccine given as a nasal spray is shown in a clinical trial to reduce the amount of time participants have #flu #infections, when exposed to the #virus.
#News #Science #Business #Biotechnology #ClinicalTrial #ChallengeTrial #NasalSpray #AdverseEffects #ImmuneSystem #Australia #UK
#influenza #vaccine #flu #infections #Virus #News #science #business #biotechnology #ClinicalTrial #challengetrial #NasalSpray #adverseeffects #immunesystem #australia #uk
AMP has just published!
"Femoral Neuropathy Associated with Prophylactic Anticoagulation in a Patient with Severe COVID-19: A Case Report"
Letter to the Editor by Ana Almeida Pereira, Mariana Martins, Vítor Brás Silva, Marta Amaral Silva and Ana Catarina Miguéns from Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Lisboa Central, in Lisbon.
Full paper available here:
#anticoagulants #adverseeffects #COVID19complications #chemicallyinduced #femoralneuropathy
#anticoagulants #adverseeffects #covid19complications #chemicallyinduced #femoralneuropathy
RT @ladyonorato: Also the #EMA and #ECDC should investigate possible links between serious #adverseeffects of #Pfizer and #Moderna mRNA “vaccines”. European people’s lives matter!!
#EMA #ECDC #adverseeffects #Pfizer #moderna
Also the #EMA and #ECDC should investigate possible links between serious #adverseeffects of #Pfizer and #Moderna mRNA “vaccines”. European people’s lives matter!!
RT @Reuters: U.S. FDA, CDC see early signal of Pfizer bivalent COVID shot's link to stroke
#EMA #ECDC #adverseeffects #Pfizer #moderna
Le CDC: 118 000 kids and young adukts died from #adverseEffects of #mrna #vaccines in the US.
#adverseeffects #mrna #vaccines #dropdead
Australian personality returns with #shingles two months after #booster dose #vaccineinjury #adverseeffects
#adverseeffects #VaccineInjury #booster #shingles
Australian personality returns with #shingles two months after #booster dose
#adverseeffects #VaccineInjury #booster #shingles
Australian personality returns with #shingles two months after #booster dose
#adverseeffects #VaccineInjury #booster #shingles
Military scientists, physicians willing to testify on #adverseeffects of #COVID #vaccines
#vaccinemandate #vaccines #COVID #adverseeffects
#AdverseEffects are not the only issues associated with #COVID19 #vaccines #vaccineinjury #pandemic
#pandemic #VaccineInjury #vaccines #COVID19 #adverseeffects
#AdverseEffects are not the only issues associated with #COVID19 #vaccines #vaccineinjury #pandemic
#pandemic #VaccineInjury #vaccines #COVID19 #adverseeffects
#AdverseEffects are not the only issues associated with #COVID19 #vaccines
#pandemic #VaccineInjury #vaccines #COVID19 #adverseeffects