@arcade Did you know that #Apple in their very finite wisdom decided to not put their #AEFI / #BridgeOS on a seperate flash but instead shove it onto proprietary flash chips so if your soldered-in SSD dies - and it will inevitably die over use and time - you can't even make the thing boot off an external drive as it's braindead.
Also good luck trying to crack Apple's #CensorBoot and finding a way to write new #firmware to those chips which you can't buy anywhere legally!
#firmware #CensorBoot #BridgeOS #aefi #Apple
@thememesniper and I though soldered-down SSDs made up of proprietary Flash Chips that WILL INEVITABLY FAIL OVER TIME and thurn the device into a brick when it does because the #Apple #AEFI aka. #BridgeOS is also on the EXACT SAME FLASH CHIPS!
So one can't even reuse the device woth a #Linux on a #USB Flashdrive like a Store&Stay - alike dongle that basically ends up flush and doesn't break off easily.
#USB #Linux #BridgeOS #aefi #Apple
A vaccine alliance funded vaccination data platform - fundamentally - has no incentives to collect #AEFI - #CoWIN scam. https://twitter.com/logic/status/1556932622445858816
A vaccine alliance funded vaccination data platform - fundamentally - has no incentives to collect #AEFI - #CoWIN scam.
RT @logic
$4.62 M for #CoWIN (not vaccines themselves - but just the data grab platform) by @gavi -- These are - lets says bonds of different kind :)
RT @tecoholic
Not talking about #AEFI with the same importance as vaccination is only supporting the cottage industry of anti-vaxx propoganda. https://twitter.com/logic/status/1483428643200454659
We can surely get OTP metrics from @rssharma3, but #AEFI and other worthy data / metrics ? Good luck.
RT @Rupalijee
“India's vaccinated offer a large pool of data critical for publishing studies on #vaccine efficacy. There is no reason why 1 year and 1.58 billion doses later, there is a paucity of publicly available data and peer-reviewed literature on vaccine efficacy” https://m.economictimes.com/opinion/et-editorial/leverage-the-va…
The whole point of controlling #CoWIN is to keep #AEFI low by NOT focusing on collecting uncomfortable data. He has a decade of experience in doing that!
RT @malini_aisola
R S Sharma seems to think adolescents get a choice of vaccine but @MoHFW_INDIA/guidelines say otherwise. CoWIN head providing contradictory info & causing confusion.
Glitches aside, Sharma hasn’t followed thru on implementing self reporting of AEFI on CoWIN h…
RT @logic@twitter.com
There were 900 reported deaths across the country, linked to the vaccine, at the time this petition was filed. Healthy people going for vaccination, collapsing and dying. - @advcoling@twitter.com seeking better #AEFI and increased awareness on vax side effects
Because - we focussed on delivering OTPs and generating digital health IDs with #CoWIN, #AEFI did not matter.
Now please don't use the same argument to say no data available. We have seen this intention not to generate uncomfortable data on very many things and then say no data
RT @GKangInd
@gvenugopalan @amitsurg @orthopgk @Kaio08941696 @RWMaloneMD For viral vectored vaccine, reliable data on the rates of thrombosis with thrombocyt…
31360 incidents of #AEFI officially reported in #CoWIN
#VAERSIndia crowdsourced info tell 4900+ post vaccination deaths.
Guess how many our National #AEFI committee have analyzed?