RT @LiamSco79664081@twitter.com
. The joy of ageing is that you stop posing, you stop people-pleasing, you stop lying to yourself and to others. You stop pretending emotions you don’t feel and start expressing those that you do. It’s absolutely wonderful in real life. #Aegism https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jan/26/love-island-middle-aged-itv-the-romance-retreat?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LiamSco79664081/status/1618537673412468736
@graciegato I'm still angry about a job I applied for. Illinois Civil Service. The HR department scored your exam by reading your resume. I scored highest of all applicants. Myself and 2 others were referred to the hiring committee for an interview. I got a letter from them stating they weren't interested in pursuing my application. #Aegism.
"Aegism", was ist das? An diesem Datum habe ich, Jahrgang 1953, 2022-12-15 17:45, zum ersten Mal davon gehört. Ein Begriff, der aus dem Englischen stammen soll.
Damit umschreibt man, wenn Menschen wegen ihres" Lebensalters Vorurteilen, Stereotypen und Diskriminierungen ausgesetzt sind.", meint die taz (Studie zu Ageism in Deutschland:Altersdiskriminierung ist Alltag - taz.de)
Also uffbasse! Es geht nicht nur um Ältere: Das sind in der BRD ca. 18 % der Gesellschaft. #aegism #Benachteiligung
I was just reading some postings on #aegism and it rang a bell. I retired after years in an IT management capacity for a large research and development organization. I saw a job posting for a "Application Administrator" at a local university.The position was a civil service job. The HR group rated my resume as the top candidate and forwarded it for interviews. I got a letter from the hiring committee saying they weren't going to call me for an interview..#Aegism ?