A lot going on in the acrobatics and aerial hall at #EJC2023 in #Lublin. One of us from #flip #Mainz has been very active here throughout the week.
#aerialhoop #aerial #Trapez #aerialrope #Akrobatik #Circus #Zirkus
#EJC2023 #lublin #flip #mainz #aerialhoop #aerial #trapez #aerialrope #Akrobatik #circus #zirkus
Today my one rule training rope was "you have to leave with something you like;" this is where that landed: an improv'd and then workshopped sequence with some "weird" in it. I haven't quite figured out yet how I want to use the descent, but overall I "like" it and that was my goal.
It's so easy for me to train pullups and it's so damned hard for me to feel like I can/should *create* so setting tiny goals like these per session really helps.
Last #aerialRope class before the new year (unless I manage to sneak one in next week). This is a new sequence we learned focusing on using sideways falls/drops to descend the rope. It’s not intuitive to me but very fun! #circus
#tfw the studio is closed, but you need to get in the air #aerialrope #aerialist #socialdistancing #graffiti #trainbridge
#trainbridge #graffiti #Socialdistancing #aerialist #aerialrope #tfw
Had so much fun performing a very silly country/western #AerialRope act with #AerialHorizon last weekend. My concept was “just the douchiest bro at the rodeo,” and I feel like I nailed it.
#aerialrope #aerialhorizon #aerialist