Stay away from #AeroCloud and their #Airport #Dashboard #Software ... They are trying to break into the USA, and breaking every labor law to do it...
ok, not EVERY labor law, but at least a few big ones (like making people work without pay, or before they even technically work there), and mode.
I have first hand proof as they were trying to get my #manager who hadn't officially started yet to interview me for the company and position, to name just one thing they tried to pull.
#fraud #alert #aerocloud #airport #dashboard #software #manager
Have you ever heard of a company called #AeroCloud that does #airport software?
They are based in the #UK, trying to break into the #USA and are blatant #liars, #frauds, and attempting to #operate #illegally.
If you or a #company you know was considering #working with them STAY AWAY !!!
#aerocloud #airport #uk #usa #liars #frauds #operate #illegally #company #working