भारतीय आकाशात अवतरला अजस्त्र पक्षी
अलीकडेच बेंगळुरूजवळच्या यलहंका हवाईतळावर पार पडलेल्या Aero India 2023 हवाई प्रदर्शनात अमेरिकेच्या बी-1बी या व्यूहात्मक बाँबफेकी (Strategic Bomber) विमानांनी अचानक लावलेली हजेरी लक्षवेधक घटना ठरली. याच प्रदर्शनात रशियाच्या United Aircraft Corporation नं असं जाहीर केलं की, या कंपनीनं आपल्या नव्या Tu-160M या व्यूहात्मक बाँबफेकी विमानाचे नामांतर तेरेश्कोव्हा (रशियन नाव – Tерешкова,्) असं केलं आहे.
#b1blancer #tu160 #AeroIndia
उर्वरित लेख
New Stupidity Benchmark in #NewIndia...
RT @pearlmdsouza
#Bengaluru #News
Meat stalls that provide fish and meat will remain closed and non veg will not be served in restaurants in 10 km radius of Airforce Station Yelahanka from Jan 30 to Feb 20.
#AeroIndia will be held at the Airforce station from February 13 to 17.
#newindia #bengaluru #news #aeroindia
I never knew airplanes did not like meat or fish. New India, new learning everyday.
Meat stalls that provide fish and meat will remain closed and non veg will not be served in restaurants in 10 km radius of Airforce Station Yelahanka from Jan 30 to Feb 20.
#AeroIndia will be held at the Airforce station from February 13 to 17.