6mm scale space ships and killer robots are surprisingly cute and satisfyingly quick to paint. (Especially when you make a decision not to go nuts on them.) #warhammer #adeptustitanicus #Titanicus #aeronaticaimperialis #6mm #wip
#warhammer #adeptustitanicus #Titanicus #aeronaticaimperialis #6mm #wip
Something from the archive. I always wanted to paint a Marauder Bomber in the style of a WW2 Lancaster but could never justify the cost of a full-size Forgeworld model. When they were released for Aeronatica, I had to pick one up and try it out on the smaller scale!
#warhammer40000 #warhammer40k #aeronaticaimperialis #WarhammerCommunity #paintingwarhammer