@naugeleh @Heinke
was initially alarmed to see an #excitotoxin in the pic, but then to see application😍 #brilliant
#aerosolized #humidifier
When I was 9 or 10 made very concerted efforts to drink Diet Coke b/c all my older female cousins were, but my reaction was ewww too;)
they claim stevia is better for you but never could do that either; very similar taste #ewww
also it’s not too hard to keep a serious face when out these days so…
#excitotoxin #brilliant #aerosolized #humidifier #ewww
@Covidisheretostaypleasewearn95 If you heard how abrupt we are w/each other tho during this current situation, you’d think we hated each other & were rude & unkind people
🦃Day was 3👯👵🏼his mom,us & #aerosolized lingering air of 1 chatty home care worker who was there couple hours before in🚫😷but left
My spouse was not infected when we got there, but he was by the time we left 1.5 hours later
I’m on the edge of getting sick, but I’ve been here before & also finished my #Novavax 2-shot series 2/5
VAX CARPET BOMBS: #Aerosolized “vaccines” being developed that can be sprayed on human cities for automatic #depopulation
VAX CARPET BOMBS: #Aerosolized “vaccines” being developed that can be sprayed on human cities for automatic #depopulation