Then Rasool and Schneider in 1971 made THE declaration that #GreenhouseGas like CO2 and #aerosols could have a huge impact on global climate.
The stage was set.
#NASA GISS could no longer be an institute for outward facing space studies…
We had to turn back to earth... ...
8/ < many>
#nasa #aerosols #greenhousegas
Day 1,255
#Pandemic #SarsCoV2
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid #MaskUp #Aerosols #NewVariants #BringBackMasks #BringBackPCRs #Disabled #MassDisabling #WeAreNotOK #VascularDisease #ImmuneSystemDamage #CognitiveIssues #BrainDamage #POTS #MECFS #Superspreader #MasksWork #ImproveAirInSchools #CorsiRosenthal #N95 #KN94 #KidsGetCovidToo #ExcessDeaths #FromCovid #WithCovid #WeAreOnOurOwn
#EveryoneIsSickOfThis #DenialIsNotSafe #CovidIsNotDoneWithYou #StaySafe #Please
#pandemic #sarscov2 #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #longcovid #maskup #aerosols #newvariants #bringbackmasks #bringbackpcrs #disabled #massdisabling #wearenotok #vasculardisease #immunesystemdamage #cognitiveissues #braindamage #pots #mecfs #superspreader #maskswork #improveairinschools #corsirosenthal #n95 #kn94 #kidsgetcovidtoo #excessdeaths #fromcovid #withcovid #weareonourown #everyoneissickofthis #denialisnotsafe #covidisnotdonewithyou #staysafe #please
C-A GUSTAVE (@C_A_Gustave): "1/24 Tant parmi les libertariens "primaires" que chez certains médecins se prétendant les "chevaliers blancs" de la bonne science, je vois monter un discours qui me laisse plus que dubitatif. Ils s'opposent à la surveillance des eaux usées et à la gestion de la qualité de l'air" | La Contre-Voie - nitter
#QualitéDeLair #Aérosols
Il y a 10 000 ans, il aurait été beaucoup plus difficile pour un #coronavirus de se transmettre entre humains qu'il ne l'est aujourd'hui.... La qualité de l'#air intérieur est largement définie par la concentration de contaminants qu'il contient. Plus la concentration de contaminants est élevée, plus la qualité de l'air est mauvaise. Divers contaminants atmosphériques peuvent nuire à la santé. #Virus #aérosols
#Coronavirus #air #virus #aerosols
'Science: Air pollution, such as the smog formed by #aerosols emitted in human activities, causes millions of deaths each year.' Check out the '@Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health, 2017'. Prof Philip J Landrigan et al @IcahnMountSinai @BCisGlobal
In #airpollution terms the levels of #aerosol loading are quite high (shown here the Aerosol Optical depth at NASA GSFC in Maryland).
Anything above 0.4 (500 nm channel) is considered polluted and we are 4 times that level.
Fortunately most of the smoke is rather elevated and not near the ground (for now). Profile of #aerosols distribution from a lidar in UMBC, note the lower concentrations near the surface in the last few hours.
#airpollution #aerosol #aerosols
Study presents a ‘proof-of-concept pathogen Air Quality (pAQ) monitor for real-time direct detection of #SARSCoV2 #aerosols. Widespread adoption of such technology could assist public health officials with implementing rapid disease control measures.’
Study the Risks of Sun-Blocking #Aerosols, Say 60 Scientists, the US, the EU, and One Supercomputer
#WhiteHouse cautiously opens the door to study blocking sun’s rays to slow #globalwarming
A Biden administration report required by #Congress outlines research options for a last-ditch effort to slow the heating of the planet. But the White House says it’s not changing its #climate strategy. #geoengineering #climatechange #climatecrisis
#aerosols #whitehouse #globalwarming #congress #climate #Geoengineering #climatechange #climatecrisis
Systematic way to understand and classify the shared‐room airborne transmission risk of indoor spaces - Jimenez - 2022 - Indoor Air - Wiley Online Library “The #COVID19 #pandemic has brought a new appreciation of the importance of #airborne disease transmission. Airborne transmission is caused by the inhalation of pathogen-containing #aerosols that are produced by an infected person.” By @jljcolorado and via @jvipondmd
#COVID19 #pandemic #airborne #aerosols
Real-time environmental surveillance of #SARSCoV2 #aerosols | Nature Communications “Here, we present a proof-of-concept pathogen Air Quality (#pAQ) monitor for real-time (5 min time resolution) direct detection of SARS-CoV-2 aerosols.”
"Oxidized organic molecules originating from the Amazon rainforest are crucial components contributing to the formation of aerosol particles in the tropical free troposphere, according to a new study led by the University of Helsinki".
#amazon #rainforest #aerosols
The paradox of atmospheric cooling is that it could make global warming worse. Atmospheric cooling is caused by aerosols, tiny particles that reflect sunlight and reduce the greenhouse effect. However, aerosols also negatively impact human health, crop yields, and rainfall patterns. Moreover, if aerosol emissions are reduced, the cooling effect will disappear and the full force of global warming will be felt.
#atmosphericcooling #aerosols #globalwarming
"UC Riverside-led study examines climate impacts of anthropogenic aerosols and greenhouse gases using a broad set of climate models"
#aerosols #climatechange #climatemodels #climatemodels #anthropogenic
#aerosols #climatechange #climatemodels #anthropogenic
Is it that #AirFiltration hasn't been profitable for any of the big corporations?
I don't understand how anybody would think that spraying anything the air to eliminate certain #aerosols is a good idea. Certainly not for a #virus that's #airborne like #COV19.
I mean how often is #Reckitt hoping that we use its spray which "helps reduce the spread of airborne pathogens such as cold, Influenza and Coronavirus" (in linked Reuters article)?
#airfiltration #aerosols #virus #airborne #COV19 #reckitt #iaq #COVIDIsAirborne
@Fabolo @sergiodomeyko @MichaelEMann
Ar6-workgroup1 has a section on #aerosols or what people call #globaldimming.
There's a chart showing world regions and their respective amount and their evolution of aerosol-induced cooling. The most cooling came from Europe, US is 2nd. Both have long ago enacted clean-air acts to fight acid rain. There's not much left in the pipeline from the other regions.
But the cooling from Europe's and North Anerica's air pollution also drove Africa's rain band south which caused droughts and famines and genocides in the 80s...That geoengineered change has been reversed by now, but it took decades - and we didn't even know until recently that we were responsible for what happened in Africa.
It's a really good chart, I think. Have a look on the IPCC website.
It's Figure 6.15 here
It helps to read the section in chapter 6, too.
Associated Press isn't generally known for hyperbole:
"Earth is 'really quite sick now' and in danger zone in nearly all ecological ways, study says"
Study (via Nature):
[Rockström, J., Gupta, J., Qin, D. et al. Safe and just Earth system boundaries. Nature (2023).]
#ecology #ClimateChange #Biodiversity #biosphere #ecosystems #water #aquifer #aerosols #pollution #StateOfTheWorld #Nature
#ecology #climatechange #biodiversity #biosphere #ecosystems #water #aquifer #aerosols #pollution #stateoftheworld #nature #openaccess
#Wildfire #smoke from #Australia fueled 3yr “super #LaNina”
Wildfire smoke affected #climate events around world
The new study also showed how the #aerosols in the wildfire smoke affected another important piece of the climate system, the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The zone is often visible in #satellite images as a nearly unbroken line of clouds extending across the oceans. It’s important because its position determines where #rain falls and which areas are dry.
#wildfire #smoke #australia #LaNina #climate #aerosols #satellite #rain
Referenced link:
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
Study reveals presence of Hunga Tonga eruption #aerosols in #NorthernHemisphere stratospheric westerlies
…fading. I hope the lessons learned never do.
Today, right now, is the only present. You woke up this morning with the shitty present circumstances of whatever got you infected with this #virus. Maybe the former version of you that went somewhere and inhaled those #aerosols would have listened if current you had stepped in front of the door and said, “Don’t go in there.” Maybe not. But it doesn’t matter, because the whole event is gone, and all that exists is what’s happening now. 3/
SRAS-CoV-2 : présence de virus infectieux confirmée dans les aérosols
▶️ «Nos travaux de recherche doivent renforcer la prise de conscience de la présence de virus infectieux dans l’air. Ils plaident pour l’importance de cibler la transmission par l’air dans les mesures de protection individuelle et collective, notamment par l’amélioration de la qualité de l’air intérieur. » (Nathalie Grandvaux)
#santé #Covid19 #virus #aérosols #UdeM
#sante #covid19 #virus #aerosols #udem