#SPACE || What place for Europe towards the stars ? || Since the creation of various launchers such as the Ariane and Vega rockets, #Europe is now a #partner of choice for #NASA. || By Lou Chabani || https://www.nationalgeographic.fr/espace/2022/10/quelle-place-pour-leurope-dans-les-etoiles || Spotted by #AEROSPATIAL ||
#aerospatial #nasa #partner #europe #space
#Space || A warp bubble discovered for the first time
|| By Ives Etienne || https://www.science-et-vie.com/ciel-et-espace/espace-une-bulle-de-distorsion-decouverte-pour-la-premiere-fois-65474.html || spotted by #AEROSPATIAL ||
#GALAXIES || Scientists discover massive '#extragalactic structure' behind the #MilkyWay ||By B. Specktor / #LiveScience || https://www.livescience.com/zone-of-avoidance-giant-structure || Spotted by #AEROSPATIAL ||
#aerospatial #livescience #milkyway #extragalactic #Galaxies
#MOONLIGHTINITIATIVE || What is #ESA’s #Moonlight initiative? || https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Videos/2022/11/What_is_ESA_s_Moonlight_initiative#.Y3HoLcvNPew.twitter || Spotted by #AEROSPATIAL
#aerospatial #moonlight #esa #moonlightinitiative
#SPACE #DRONE || A US military space drone, X-37B, landed Saturday at Cape Canaveral #AirForceStation in Florida after spending nearly two and a half years in orbit, aircraft manufacturer Boeing said. || via @Orange_France & @afpfr || https://actu.orange.fr/societe/high-tech/un-drone-spatial-de-l-armee-americaine-de-retour-sur-terre-apres-908-jours-en-orbite-CNT000001UIAdk.html || Spotted by #AEROSPATIAL ||
#aerospatial #AirforceStation #drone #space
#Astrophysics #Space || #Particles literally emerge from the vacuum in a "miniature artificial universe" in the lab || By Laurie Henry / TrustMyScience || https://trustmyscience.com/particules-emergentes-mini-univers-laboratoire/ || Spotted by #AEROSPATIAL ||
#aerospatial #particles #space #astrophysics
#WHATSUP #ONMARS || Strange structures discovered inside Mars' largest moon #Phobos || by N. Mayer, Journalist @futurasciences || https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/actualites/mars-structures-etranges-decouvertes-interieur-plus-grande-lune-mars-101597/#xtor%3DAL-80-1%5BACTU%5D-101597%5BDes-structures-etranges-decouvertes-a-l-interieur-de-la-plus-grande-lune-de-Mars%5D || Spotted by #AEROSPATIAL
#aerospatial #phobos #onmars #Whatsup
#Eure. The first #Ariane6 rocket is assembled
The first complete Ariane 6 rocket, whose engines are built in Vernon (Eure), has joined its #launcher on its launch pad in #Kourou, French Guyana. || Source: @actufr || https://actu.fr/normandie/vernon_27681/eure-la-premiere-fusee-ariane-6-est-assemblee_55119685.html || Spotted by #AEROSPATIAL
#aerospatial #Kourou #launcher #Ariane6 #eure
#SPACE || What is #China up to with its mysterious #spacecraft that has been in orbit for three months? || The issue: this space plane circling above our heads seems to be dropping other smaller craft into its orbit…|| Source: Businessam||
https://fr.businessam.be/que-trafique-donc-la-chine-avec-sa-mysterieuse-navette-spatiale-en-orbite-depuis-trois-mois/ || Spotted by #AEROSPATIAL ||
#aerospatial #spacecraft #china #space
#ASTROPHYSICS #GJ1252b || This #SuperEarth is atmosphere free… || This planet, which is close to the size of the Earth, was discovered by #astronomers from the #University of California. It orbits a #RedDwarf and has no atmosphere at all. || https://www.science-et-vie.com/ciel-et-espace/planete/super-terre-sans-atmosphere-93975.html || Spotted by #AEROSPATIAL
#aerospatial #reddwarf #University #astronomers #superearth #gj1252b #astrophysics
#WHATSUP #ONMARS || #RealEstate #speculations on Mars || #Geologists are working to find habitable sites on Mars, based on images taken by the probes. || https://l-express.ca/speculation-immobiliere-sur-mars/ || Spotted by #AEROSPATIAL
#aerospatial #geologists #speculations #realestate #onmars #Whatsup
#SpaceConquest || #NASA must launch #ArtemisI rocket quickly before its boosters expire || A countdown is underway for some of the Artemis I rocket components that are still on the ground. The Space Launch System's boosters will expire in December 2022, if the mission has still not gone to the Moon || By N. Lesage || https://www.numerama.com/sciences/1176378-la-nasa-doit-vite-lancer-la-fusee-artemis-i-avant-que-ses-boosters-ne-periment.html || Spotted by #AEROSPATIAL ||
#aerospatial #ArtemisI #nasa #spaceconquest
#WHATSUP #ONMARS || The northern hemisphere of #Mars was well covered by an #ocean 3.5 billion years ago || By Laurent Sacco , Journalist || https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/actualites/mars-hemisphere-nord-mars-etait-bien-recouvert-ocean-il-y-35-milliards-annees-62881/#xtor%3DAL-80-1%5BACTU%5D-62881%5BL-hemisphere-nord-de-Mars-etait-bien-recouvert-d-un-ocean-il-y-a-3-5-milliards-d-annees%5D || Spotted by #AEROSPATIAL
#aerospatial #ocean #mars #onmars #Whatsup
#SPACE #INDUSTRY || Will the Italian #LauncherVega be removed from #Arianespace's scope? || In a letter to the #EuropeanSpaceAgency, the former Italian government requested that Vega be removed from Arianespace's scope. The entire launcher sector is now waiting for the new Italian government to confirm this... || https://www.latribune.fr/entreprises-finance/industrie/aeronautique-defense/le-lanceur-italien-vega-va-t-il-sortir-de-l-orbite-d-arianespace-939837.html || Spotted by #AEROSPATIAL
#aerospatial #europeanspaceagency #Arianespace #launchervega #industry #space
The #european #SpaceAgency is hoping to get a 25% increase in its budget by the end of November. The last straight line for the 22 member countries of the #EuropeanSpaceAgency (ESA), before the meeting of #EuropeanSpaceMinisters on 22 and 23 November in #Paris. On the agenda is the adoption of the #EsaBudget for the next three years (2023-2025) ||
https://www.lefigaro.fr/societes/budget-de-l-esa-pas-de-consensus-sur-les-lanceurs-et-la-constellation-europeenne-20221108 | Spotted by #AEROSPATIAL
#aerospatial #esabudget #paris #europeanspaceministers #europeanspaceagency #spaceAgency #european
#Space #Astrophysics || We finally know how the #stars at the centre of the #MilkyWay were formed || By F. Brosseau @TrustMyScience || https://trustmyscience.com/comment-sont-formees-etoiles-centre-voie-lactee/ || Spotted by #AEROSPATIAL
#aerospatial #milkyway #stars #astrophysics #space
Right now Live on Twitter (Yes I know… but I’m there too: @aerospatial) : Coverage of @NorthropGrumman’s #CRS18 spacecraft’s arrival at the @Space_Station for rendezvous and capture after launching from @NASA_Wallops on Nov. 7. ||
https://twitter.com/nasa/status/1590260266985750529?s=42&t=f4GFbD7jDutFvXt-efTpqQ || Spotted by #AEROSPATIAL
#SCIENCENEWS || Discovery of the oldest #remnants of planets in the #MilkyWay || By Morgane Gillard, Editor at @futurasciences || https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/actualites/etoile-decouverte-plus-anciens-restes-planetes-voie-lactee-101653/#xtor%3DAL-80-1%5BACTU%5D-101653%5BDecouverte-des-plus-anciens-restes-de-planetes-de-la-Voie-lactee%5D || spotted by #AEROSPATIAL
#aerospatial #milkyway #remnants #SCIENCENEWS
#Nasa: #storm pushes moon rocket launch to at least November 16 || By @lefigaroabonnes with @afpfr || https://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences/une-tempete-menace-de-nouveau-la-fusee-de-la-nasa-pour-la-lune-20221108 || Spotted by #aerospatial
#SCIENCES #ISS: cargo ship full of supplies sent into space on Monday may have trouble docking… …one of its solar panels failed to deploy. The unmanned #spacecraft is carrying equipment including 3D printed #HumanTissue into #space. || @le_Parisien || https://www.leparisien.fr/sciences/iss-un-cargo-rempli-de-materiel-envoye-lundi-dans-lespace-pourrait-avoir-du-mal-a-sarrimer-08-11-2022-WXBXPBI2OJECTNJOSLO6Q7B7EY.php || Spotted by #aerospatial
#aerospatial #space #humantissue #spacecraft #iss #sciences