Still eagerly awaiting a response to my #pyzipper pull request. Waiting is so hard!
In the meantime, I've added zip and unzip commands to #passcrow, to facilitate creating #AES encrypted #ZIP archives with recoverable passwords.
I haven't pushed my changes, because they depend on the pyzipper updates.
「 #TLS #セキュリティ の強化: #Google、#Chrome 116 に耐量子暗号化を追加」: The Hacker News
「グーグルは、Chromeブラウザのバージョン116から、#量子抵抗暗号アルゴリズム のサポートを追加する計画を発表した。
「Chromeは、TLS で対称暗号を確立するために #X25519Kyber768 のサポートをChrome 116から開始します。
Kyberは、量子コンピューティングの出現によってもたらされる将来のサイバー攻撃に対処するため、米国商務省の国立標準技術研究所( #NIST )によって一般的な暗号化の候補として選ばれた。Kyber-768は #AES-192 とほぼ同等のセキュリティである。」
#tls #セキュリティ #google #chrome #量子抵抗暗号アルゴリズム #x25519kyber768 #nist #aes #prattohome
If you like #Minetest, be sure to check out the "A.E.S." server, it has lots of cool minigames (including Tntrun and TNTTag I mentioned earlier). Spread the word!
You know it... It *looks* like I was doing something for the presentation, but in reality, I was just checking my emails... 😂
#aes #girona #survival #bayesian #healtheconomics #costeffectiveness
#costeffectiveness #healtheconomics #bayesian #survival #girona #aes
Gelegentlich möchte ich nur einzelne Dateien per AES verschlüsseln. Geht ja gut mit 7-Zip (bzw. ist in meinem Directory Opus-Dateimanager eingebaut). Für Leute, denen das zu "nerdig" ist, gibt es eine 1-Klick-Lösung mit "AES Crypt": einfach den Punkt im Kontextmenü auswählen. Entschlüsselung klappt damit auch (man kann aber auch alle anderen Tools verwenden)
#verschlusselung #encrypt #aes #tools
#dar 3/ Dar's homepage is . As a simple file archiver tool, dar is great. Random access is preserved, you can compress with #gzip #bzip2 #lzo #xz #zstd or #lz4. You can encrypt with #GnuPG or symmetric #AES. You can stream if you want. You can split ("slice") across multiple media, and dar will prompt you for the slice(s) you need and seek you right to them.
That's cool, but we're just getting started.
#dar #gzip #bzip2 #lzo #xz #zstd #lz4 #GnuPG #aes
While AES256’s primary advantage is strong security, its position as the encryption standard (For two way radio / P25) throughout government, business and industry, and its status in the P25 suite of standards, make it the only reasonable choice.
RT @the_zouzzz
#CyborgForce on #NeoGeo #AES and #MVS, new video and Beta AES design :
#cyborgforce #neogeo #aes #MVS
Just released a video on our brand new YouTube channel - #Encrypting #secrets in #production.
Check it out at:
#GitHub repo:
#encrypting #secrets #production #github #encryption #systemd #aes #rsa #csharp #dotnet
Opinion: AES-256 is the standard encryption for most software these days like LUKS, ZFS but AES-128 may suffice for most cases like full disk encryption for your personal laptop, local disk encryption, etc unless you are a high value target. AES-256 is much stronger than but AES-128 is not weak either. None of these are known to be broken yet. AES-256 is like having a 18 inch bank vault door for your house and it comes with a cost. Also there may be easier ways to break in than breaking AES-128.
Why AES-128 over AES-256:
• AES-128 needs 40% less compute power
• Longer battery life for your laptops
• Lower disk latency on older hardware
#encryption #security #opsec #luks #zfs #aes
PyLockAES - A Python library that provides encryption and #decryption functionality using #AES-#CBC mode
SUPERCON 2022: Kuba Tyszko Cracks Encrypted Software #2022HackadaySupercon #HackadayColumns #SoftwareHacks #encryption #openssl #cons #aes
#2022HackadaySupercon #HackadayColumns #SoftwareHacks #encryption #openssl #cons #aes
SUPERCON 2022: Kuba Tyszko Cracks Encrypted Software - [Kuba Tyszko] like many of us, has been hacking things from a young age. An early ... - #2022hackadaysupercon #hackadaycolumns #softwarehacks #encryption #openssl #cons #aes
#aes #cons #openssl #encryption #softwarehacks #hackadaycolumns #2022hackadaysupercon
Introduction to Cryptography - I have just completed this room! Check it out: #tryhackme #security #encryption #symmetric encryption #asymmetric encryption #Diffie-Hellman #hash #PKI #TLS #message digest #checksum #AES #cryptographyintro via @RealTryHackMe
#tryhackme #security #encryption #symmetric #asymmetric #diffie #hash #pki #tls #message #checksum #aes #cryptographyintro
Microsoft hat ein Feature namens Office 365 Message Encryption (OME). Nachrichten werden mit #AES verschlüsselt. Klingt ja gut, ABER es wird #ECB als Modus verwendet. Etwas, wovon Bruce #Schneier 1996 im Buch "Applied Cryptography" schon deutlich abrät. Warum nutzt man das in diesem Jahrtausend und warum fixt man das nicht, nachdem es gefunden wurde?
Makes me wonder if #storing #encrypted data say on a #Google drive is good enough? Or it's better to store it on a more #privacy focused data #storage.
As my current method to #store private stuff is:
AES crypt the file.
#7z the files so it's a group.
Then #AES crypt the #archive.
Then I upload it to say Google drive or one drive.
But the question is should I actually instead be uploading this to say a more #secure privacy focused one? Which is often more expensive. While say one drive is pretty cheap. Same for the many others online.
This is mainly private documents that one should keep but it's better to never have it stolen and read. Especially read. As it got private details
#storing #encrypted #google #privacy #storage #store #7z #aes #archive #secure