Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1443 followers · 103588 posts · Server

@Theholypumpkin @toby well, unlike @bunsenlabs and @ubuntu on , @Raspberry_Pi & on doesn't support or setting up at all.
Which IMHO is not excuseable since even if the -made didn't have any Cryptograpy-Acceleration integrated whatsoever, the performance of is still faster than any microSD or eMMC on the market.
Espechally since that feature predates the Raspberry Pi by over half a decade: even @opensuse 10.2 offered it.

#aes256 #soc #broadcom #fulldiskencryption #luks #RaspberryPi #Ubuntu #amd64

Last updated 1 year ago

Herbert Hertramph · @_DigitalWriter_
842 followers · 1985 posts · Server

Das überrascht mich - iOS kann inzwischen AES256 direkt "entzippen"?
Könnt Ihr das bestätigen?
1. Datei mit 7zip verschlüsselt (AES256-Modus).
2. Datei auf Nextcloud geladen.
3. Nextcloud-Pfad in iOS-Dateien-App geöffnet.
4. Passwort wird abgefragt und entschlüsselt.
Früher musste ich da den Umweg über Filebrowser oder andere Tools nehmen.

#verschlusselung #aes256 #zip #7zip #ios

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1017 followers · 62604 posts · Server

@marcan @lanodan the only cases where one would need even more Power are setups like High-Bandwith Gateways like some huge if one needs 40+ GBit/s throughput on or .

Mind you that - aside from the encryption of the key in the header, uses by default for a long time and is pretty efficient even prior to .

So no, in most cases the impact is purely synthetic and not really of any impact...

#aesni #aes256 #luks #WireGuard #openvpn #pfsense #VPN

Last updated 1 year ago

Adam · @adam
354 followers · 821 posts · Server

A brief rundown of features:
- It stores
- Can import files
- Compatible with , , and
- Single focus, simple design
- (, and )
- Requires a physical button press for each username/password

That last point means that even if someone rooted your computer and stole your unlock password, they still would not be able to dump all the passwords from the hardware!

#passwords #keepass #linux #android #mac #windows #aes256 #encrypted #opensource #hardware #firmware #software

Last updated 1 year ago

꧁~Marumoko-ExtraFluff-Cea~꧂ · @alcea
29 followers · 2019 posts · Server

Well, I'd call it

"This tool uses the SubtleCrypto JavaScript API for its encryption. First, an encryption key is derived from the password using and a random with 100,000 rounds. Then the HTML is encrypted using "

#htmlcrypt #secure #pbkdf2 #salt #aes256

Last updated 1 year ago

Jerry Lee · @yesonline
29 followers · 10715 posts · Server

» robinmoisson/staticrypt: Password protect a static HTML page // StatiCrypt uses to encrypt your file with your passphrase and return a static page...

#aes256 #html

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim Mackey 🦀 · @Timdmackey
150 followers · 732 posts · Server

@zate @epixoip is this in contradiction to what Jeremi is saying? Or am I just not understanding? My understanding is that to decrypt the vault, each cracking attempt would have to run through those 100,100 iterations. He says in the post:
“Your vault is encrypted with using a key that is derived from your master password, which is hashed using a minimum of 100,100 rounds of PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256”


Last updated 2 years ago

Jeremi M Gosney :verified: · @epixoip
2975 followers · 131 posts · Server

Many of you have been asking for my thoughts on the breach, and I apologize that I'm a couple days late delivering.

Apart from all of the other commentary out there, here's what you need to know from a cracker's perspective!

Your vault is encrypted with using a key that is derived from your master password, which is hashed using a minimum of 100,100 rounds of PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 (can be configured to use more rounds, but most people don't). is the minimum acceptable standard in key derivation functions (KDFs); it is compute-hard only and fits entirely within registers, so it is highly amenable to acceleration. However, it is the only that is FIPS/NIST approved, so it's the best (or only) KDF available to many applications. So while there are LOTS of things wrong with LastPass, key derivation isn't necessarily one of them.

Using with the top-of-the-line RTX 4090, you can crack PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 with 100,100 rounds at about 88 KH/s. At this speed an attacker could test ~7.6 billion passwords per day, which may sound like a lot, but it really isn't. By comparison, the same GPU can test Windows NT hashes at a rate of 288.5 GH/s, or ~25 quadrillion passwords per day. So while LastPass's hashing is nearly two orders of magnitude faster than the < 10 KH/s that I recommend, it's still more than 3 million times slower than cracking Windows/Active Directory passwords. In practice, it would take you about 3.25 hours to run through rockyou.txt + best64.rule, and a little under two months to exhaust rockyou.txt + rockyou-30000.rule.

Keep in mind these are the speeds for cracking a single vault; for an attacker to achieve this speed, they would have to single out your vault and dedicate their resources to cracking only your vault. If they're trying 1,000 vaults simultaneously, the speed would drop to just 88 H/s. With 1 million vaults, the speed drops to an abysmal 0.088 H/s, or 11.4 seconds to test just one password. Practically speaking, what this means is the attackers will target four groups of users:

1. users for which they have previously-compromised passwords (password reuse, credential stuffing)
2. users with laughably weak master passwords (think top20k)
3. users they can phish
4. high value targets (celebs, .gov, .mil, fortune 100)

If you are not in this list / you don't get phished, then it is highly unlikely your vault will be targeted. And due to the fairly expensive KDF, even passwords of moderate complexity should be safe.

I've seen several people recommend changing your master password as a mitigation for this breach. While changing your master password will help mitigate future breaches should you continue to use LastPass (you shouldn't), it does literally nothing to mitigate this current breach. The attacker has your vault, which was encrypted using a key derived from your master password. That's done, that's in the past. Changing your password will re-encrypt your vault with the new password, but of course it won't re-encrypt the copy of the vault the attacker has with your new password. That would be impossible unless you somehow had access to the attacker's copy of the vault, which if you do, please let me know?

A proper mitigation would be to migrate to or , change the passwords for each of your accounts as you migrate over, and also review the MFA status of each of your accounts as well. The perfect way to spend your holiday vacation! Start the new year fresh with proper password hygiene.

For more password insights like this, give me a follow!

#lastpass #password #aes256 #pbkdf2 #kdf #hashcat #bitwarden #1password

Last updated 2 years ago

Le chiffrement de bout en bout de TIXEO:

L’architecture unique de chiffrement de bout en bout de

Le chiffrement de lien est effectué en (Transport Layer Security). Le chiffrement de bout en bout (de client à client) des flux audio, vidéo, et data est réalisé en (Advanced Encryption Standard 256), avec un échange de clés . Toutes les transmissions de données via les solutions Tixeo sont ainsi garanties à un niveau de sécurité optimal.

#tixeo #tls #aes256 #diffiehellman

Last updated 2 years ago

Hackernoon · @hackernoon_bot
164 followers · 5635 posts · Server
· @crossbot
12 followers · 2637 posts · Server