it's kat! · @kathimmel
1531 followers · 14969 posts · Server

influenced by toulouse-lautrec’s art nouveau posters & a particularly parisian proclivity for japanese prints, beardsley scribbled out a niche as the bad boy of aestheticism. he co-founded the literary quarterly, ‘the yellow book’ (which forever linked him to oscar wilde’s trial for homosexuality), & illustrated wilde’s ‘salome’.

#Illustration #Art #theyellowbook #oscarwilde #Paris #aestheticism #aubreybeardsley

Last updated 1 year ago

it's kat! · @kathimmel
1531 followers · 14969 posts · Server

: this is a puff piece - & a total rip-off of an homage to an artist whose work i love, but about whom i know not much of any substance. ‘if i am not grotesque, i am nothing’, proclaimed aubrey beardsley, born in 1872.
his brief 25-year visit to this realm was a flurry of creativity. he began as a musical prodigy &, in his late teens, was persuaded by pierre puvis de chavannes to attend art school.

#brighton #aestheticism #Illustration #artnouveau #aubreybeardsley #otd #History #Art

Last updated 1 year ago

Claudia Zahn · @ClaudiaZahn
164 followers · 435 posts · Server

Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde - He had a way with words.
(16 October 1854 – 30 November 1900)

#oscarwilde #irish #poet #spokesman #aestheticism #playwright #writer #writing #nailedit #god

Last updated 2 years ago

Buenas chicos ^^ ¿Qué tal estamos?

Quiero disculparme por mi ausencia en esta app, prometo ser más constante ❤️

Me gustaría que me dejarais objetos o algo que os guste para practicar a hacer oc's, así pasamos tiempo juntos y tenéis un dibujo mío ^^

Os enseño mis dos oc's basados en setas, de ahí me vino la idea ♥️

Gracias por seguir conmigo y esperar a que volviera ^^

💖✨T a g s ❤️✨

Gracias por leer hasta el final, espero tus sugerencias en los comentarios ^^

Si te gusta mi contenido, no te olvides de darle ❤️ y rebootearlo 🔄 para que más gente bonita como tú me conozca ^^

#art #art_ #artist #artista #arte #oc #drawing #drawings #drawign #drawingart #draw #personaje #personajes #personajesoriginales #original #originalart #originality #originalwork #worker #bachillerato #dibujo #dibujolapiz #dibujoalapiz #dibujodeldia #dibujodiario #dibujotradicional #originalcharacer #originalcharacters #seta #setas #fantasticfungi #fungi #fungirl #fungidon #artdon #artdoll #fungiphoto #mushrodon #mushrooms #mushroom #mastod #aesthetic #aestheticism #aestheticsplease

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Friedman · @dustinfr
168 followers · 1 posts · Server

Just moved instances, so I think I'm supposed to reintroduce?

I teach in the department at American University. Interested in and Literature, and , and the history and theory of , as well as and studies.
Currently working on Decadence, , and alternative humanisms.

#literature #nineteenthCentury #twentiethcentury #Victorian #aestheticism #decadence #aesthetics #queertheory #lgbtq #race

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Friedman · @dustinfr
102 followers · 111 posts · Server

I think I was supposed to do this when I first got on, but better late than never!
I study and literature, primarily and and their afterlives. I also study studies, , and . I wrote a book called Before Queer Theory: Victorian Aestheticism and the Self, and I’m currently working on Decadence, , and . I teach at American University, where I am associate professor of Literature.

#19thcentury #20thcentury #victorian #aestheticism #decadence #lgbtq #queertheory #aesthetics #race #alternativehumanisms

Last updated 2 years ago

TheOneAboveAll :verified: · @OmniAbove
78 followers · 254 posts · Server

I've seen this really interesting introduction type so I'll go ahead and list some of my as well

If we share any of these, I highly encourage you telling Me some of yours as well and boosting this post :D Take care

#SpecialInterests #dragons #worldbuilding #writing #comics #webtoon #memes #jpop #parody #roleplaying #horror #scifi #robotics #videogamelore #Japan #eldritchhorror #demons #retrowave #aestheticism #RGB

Last updated 2 years ago

alex reed (he/him) · @alexreed
137 followers · 5 posts · Server
Justin DM Rogers · @justindmrogers
76 followers · 38 posts · Server

Let me tell you about my interests fellow Mastodons:

(in literature)

But also

Associate closely with but also going to make and a thing.

I talk mostly about late 19th century writers that deal with the supernatural: Marie Corelli, Arthur Machen, Vernon Lee, Oscar Wilde, and Lafcadio Hearn.

Let's connect!

#VictorianLit #VictorianStudies #literarystudies #Literature #supernatural #decadence #aestheticism #sushi #cocktails #jrpgs #vinyl #easternart #Victodon #corellidon #machendon

Last updated 2 years ago

Justin DM Rogers · @justindmrogers
56 followers · 21 posts · Server

Would people suggest who to follow follow for discourse on Victorian Novels, the 19th Century, / and such? Also supernatural and fantastic novels?


#aestheticism #decadence #Victodon #VictorianStudies #victorian #litstudies #thefantastic #supernatural

Last updated 2 years ago