"Auf Videos in den sozialen Medien war zu sehen, wie in der Dunkelheit das glühende Geröll aus dem Vulkan herausgespuckt wurde und langsam den Berg hinab floss. Insbesondere am Südostkrater des Ätnas entwickelte sich nach Angaben des INGV ein Lavaüberlauf, der nun wieder abkühlt. Denn am Montagmorgen trat dem INGV zufolge keine Lava mehr aus - bereits gegen 3.20 Uhr ließ der Lavaausstoß nach."
@YakyuNightOwl don't forget insurance #aetna #reparations #REPARATIONSNOW
#aetna #reparations #reparationsnow
If you or I get a rare disease under #privatized #HealthCare, you or I will probably die.
Most of us simply don't have this lady's ability to work a bureaucracy.
I wish you could read this paywalled #WaPo piece about the evil, soulless fuckers at #Aetna.
Nationalize the shit out of these guys.
I try not to let this sort of thing get under my radar, but OOH!
#privatized #healthcare #wapo #aetna
Well #aetna completely dropped my main #bipolar medication. not a clue what they expect to happen to me. had to buy it with no insurance and im on #medicare so not sure what *essential* item ill have to drop to afford this $100 a month med - one of 11 i take, plus 2 injections. It would be even worse but #mercy pharmacy has a great backup plan to cap it at $100 - without that it would cost a fortune. (well 100 is a fortune to me but you get the idea)
#aetna #bipolar #medicare #mercy
Our dept is looking for a US-based individual for a client-facing healthcare analytics role. Need background in healthcare analytics preferably using SAS/SQL.
Title says senior manager but it's not a people manager role.
Remote, eventually to involve some travel.
I'm not the hiring manager but I know him. See my bio for my LinkedIn profile.
#teamcvs #aetna #sas #sql #healthcare #analytics #hiring