I just upgraded to Affinity V2. The #Affinity suite is a fantastic Adobe competitor, and we need as many of those as we can get!
#AffinityPhoto #AffinityDesigner #AffinityPublisher
#affinity #affinityphoto #affinitydesigner #affinitypublisher
@scott @freenandes I glad to see that Designer did the trick for you. I’ve been using Designer and Photo on the iPad for over a year now. I love the power, the portability and the immediacy of touching the surface of the screen to do my work. I am currently teaching myself how to use Publisher on the iPad. It’s a beast. 😅 #affinity #affinityphoto #affinitydesigner #affinitypublisher
#affinity #affinityphoto #affinitydesigner #affinitypublisher
I’ve been using Regular Expressons (GREP) search & replace in Affinity Publisher on a project that requires a lot of text clean-up. So far the GREP is working great but it doesn't provide the GREP help built into InDesign. If you look up “Regular Expressions” in Publisher’s Help it will lead you to GREP resoucrces.
On the nice side Publisher's Find box lists all of the matches to what is entered into the Find field.
I made a #memory #keeper for the #TinyLibrary #MosaicStrict game jam and I am really proud of it! It could be my fanciest looking #microgame yet 💖🥰
#OneCardGame #trinket #doodad #gizmo #token #totem #patchwork #memory #inventory #bank #cute #gamedev #AffinityPublisher #hashtag
#memory #keeper #tinylibrary #MOSAICstrict #microGame #onecardgame #trinket #doodad #gizmo #token #totem #patchwork #inventory #bank #cute #gamedev #affinitypublisher #hashtag
Ça fait quelque temps que j’ai envie d’ajouter une corde à mon arc, en me lançant dans la #formation #PAO. Eh ben voilà, je viens de faire un premier atelier créatif sur #AffinityPublisher, publié aujourd’hui sur la plateforme #Elephorm ! J’y fabrique de A à Z une affiche pour un événement fictif que j’ai appelé le GRIGNOTHON®.
Si tu te laisses tenter, n’hésite pas à venir me dire si ça t’a plu ou si ma voix t’horripile ! #maquette #graphisme #Affinity
#formation #pao #affinitypublisher #elephorm #maquette #graphisme #affinity
Today I've been testing the Data Merge feature in #AffinityPublisher and I'm absolutely loving it. I can take the data straight from an Excel sheet (I don't even need to export it as .csv, .xlsx works fine) and batch create pages.
My use case here is creating #Etsy listing images for @aldr and also a small guidebook that will accompany some purchases.
I have about 40 products to do - some need 12 images swapped out! This will save a whole bunch of time now and going forward 🤩
#affinitypublisher #etsy #design #wolf
Learn from my mistakes!
Here are 10 things I wish I knew when I first started using Affinity Publisher. CMYK colors, rich black, bleed, gutters, the Fields panel, and more...
Skeleton Code Machine: https://www.skeletoncodemachine.com/p/10-affinity-publisher-tips
#ttrpg #zines #affinity #affinitypublisher #cmyk #printing #publishing #mixam #rpgdesign #boardgamedesign
#ttrpg #zines #affinity #affinitypublisher #cmyk #printing #publishing #mixam #rpgdesign #boardgamedesign
Es muss nicht immer #SPBuchsatz sein:
Die coole @ConstanzeScheib setzte ihren originellen #Krimi geschickt und sehr gelungen mit dem #AffinityPublisher:
C. N. Stance: Engel unter Mordverdacht
Wie schon bei »Das Dorf«
(Sammelausg.: Bd. I + II) von @bnjkhr begeistert mich auch bei diesem Buch die außergewöhnlich hohe Druckqualität der Firma tolino media.
Ich freue mich auf's Lesen und darüber, dass Constanze (nicht nur beim #Selfpublishing) so gute Werke zaubert. 🌞
#buchpostfreude #spbuch #spbuchsatz #krimi #affinitypublisher #selfpublishing
Finally!!! This is a lot of the process of making my custom #FlyingCircus components to run it as a convention game at @lakoboldcon
This was a month and a half planning and, idk, 14hrs of cutting and folding and gluing.
I'd like to have more images of the card process, but that was mostly fiddling with #Affinity
Come to think of it, I began thinking about counters as soon as I arrived from running my last game two months ago
#FlyingCircus #affinity #ttrpg #affinitypublisher
Been developing a template file for a new client in Affinty Publisher this week. And I have to say that the more I use that app, the more I like it.
Okay, there are a few features that I’ve had to look up online, as they’re not that intuitive. But everything is coming together nicely.
If only I had the same enthusiasm and love for Designer and Photo. But currently I don’t.
#affinitydesigner #affinityphoto #affinitypublisher
Uhh es gibt wieder #Affinity-Updates :)
Ausgeglichene Strichmuster und Kolumnentitel und erweiterte Hilfslinien usw. - klingt alles sehr praktisch.
#AffinitySuite #AffinityDesigner #AffinityPublisher #AffinityPhoto
#affinity #AffinitySuite #affinitydesigner #affinitypublisher #affinityphoto
Currently downloading new versions – 2.1 – of #AffinityPublisher, #AffinityPhoto and #AffinityDesigner.
*Cross-arms and waits to see whether custom patterns remain as live vectors, or if they still have to be exported as clunky PNGs first*
#affinitydesigner #affinityphoto #affinitypublisher
#AffinityDesigner #AffinityPhoto #AffinityPublisher 2.1がリリース。多くの新機能がありますが、「すべて閉じる」などは個人的にありがたいです。 https://affinity.serif.com/ja-jp/whats-new/
#affinitypublisher #affinityphoto #affinitydesigner
I redid my 2022 self-portrait to make it more vectorized.
It is also the basis for the new profile avatar and future rebranding for JiibayDani Artworks.
#affinitypublisher #DigitalArt #art
@vsg_DE @polygonien
Auf meinem großen Tablet gefällt mir das #Polygonien PDF wirklich sehr gut🤙
Natürlich gilt, dass keine Auflistung vollständig sein kann. Ich vermisse "I am Setsuna"😉
Auch der Tipp #AffinityPublisher ist top. Ich benutze bereits #AffinityPhoto statt Photoshop, aus gleichen Gründen (kein Abo, keine Cloud✊️).
Auf dem Amiga hatte ich gerne mit Pagestream gearbeitet, danach war #DTP für mich irgendwie out of scope...
#polygonien #affinitypublisher #affinityphoto #dtp
So far I’ve written 2900 words for the #SuperheroViruses roleplaying game. Next up, when time permits 😮💨, are play examples, a couple of helpful tables and proof reading.
And then the design with #AffinityPublisher. 🧑🎨
#superheroviruses #affinitypublisher
You can also apply a Text Style to the replacement when doing a Find & Replace.
I just noticed that you can set a hotkey for a specific text style in #AffinityPublisher , and that's just the best thing ever right now.
Of course, there's probably all sorts of layout rules I'm breaking with the rest of the document, but ignorance is bliss. :thisisfine:
Stayed up far too late fucking with #Layout in #AffinityPublisher. But at least I now know how to do a Table of Contents properly.