getmisch · @GetMisch
58 followers · 692 posts · Server
Cornish Community · @KowethasKernow
69 followers · 112 posts · Server

<... But feels a better fit for community, especially since it includes both Jewish and Humanist groups (less so in the UK, but in principle) ie it is not exclusively Christian.

I also joined the Quaker Non-Theist group.

Inclusivity and LGBTQ+ affirming us obviously very important to me too.

#uu #unitarian #unitarianuniversalists #quaker #quakers #humanist #interfaith #agnostic #exchristian #humanistic #inclusive #affirming

Last updated 1 year ago

getmisch · @GetMisch
40 followers · 493 posts · Server
Joan of Cat (she/her) 😼 · @ceruleanarc
667 followers · 525 posts · Server

grifters on social media want more regulation to prevent them from making the "wrong choices" after age 18.

commenting think that the way to prevent "wrong choices" is to end care altogether because no person, at any age, can make good choices.

These are the same people who think government-mandated are .

I think they're right. need to be prevented from making any choices for their entire lifetimes since they seem incapable of making good ones and won't take responsibility for the few they do make.

Leave those of us who are willing to take for our own actions alone, though, please. We're not broken the way that they are. Thanks.

#detrans #transphobes #gender #affirming #vaccinations #fascism #conservatives #adults #responsibility #trans #genderaffirmingmedicalcare #transphobia #socialmedia

Last updated 2 years ago

Timrod · @timrod
2 followers · 20 posts · Server

Have faith, everything will become good, Speak abundance into your life. I believe everything I want is coming to me, I believe I deserve abundance, I am ready for abundance. I know this moment will pass, I will grow from this experience, I decide to feel good no matter what.


Last updated 2 years ago

Joan of Cat (she/her) 😼 · @ceruleanarc
614 followers · 276 posts · Server

When call people , they have zero interest in protecting . They want to hurt trans people, and they know that children are an excellent target for . Note how care is being banned, first for children, in state after state across the United States.

Protecting children means nothing to them. After all, what they are doing objectively hurts children and puts them more at risk of , either by or . Matt wants to protect ' because (1) he has no idea that pre*pubescent girls are, among other things, defined by their *lack of breasts and (2) he thinks children should be permitted to marry adult men. You might know them as the real groomers.

You cannot and should not argue with . Try, and they'll strawman everything you say, ignore your , and do anything and everything that they can to you into silence. The objective of every argument, for them, is not to arrive at some . It's to . That's all that matters because, to them, the sick perversion is what consenting adults do at home and with their own bodies. Not what is done to children by their bedfellows.

Mock them? Sure. Crucify them on social media? Definitely. But never, never take them seriously. They are not serious people, and their are justified means towards the end of all trans people in the United States and abroad.

This video is a must watch, IMO. It's long, but you'll learn a lot about how these people function. And once you start realizing that they are nothing like you—because you actually care what happens to others—you'll start figuring out how to respond to them appropriately.

With unbridled contempt.

#fascists #trans #groomers #children #paranoia #gender #affirming #death #homicide #suicide #walsh #prepubescent #girls #breasts #fascistic #transphobes #facts #shame #truth #win #lies #psychology #politics #uspol #transphobia #terfs #fascism #socialjustice

Last updated 2 years ago

getmisch · @GetMisch
34 followers · 370 posts · Server

Fantastic story about a Nebraska mom who is filibustering the legislature there to stop a trans bill. Halfway through now, even with strep throat, she uses every hour of debate she can. Go, Machaela! Burn that session to the ground.

#filibuster #protect #trans #youth #lgbtq #rights #human #lawmaker #mean #cruel #bills #false #fears #gender #affirming #care

Last updated 2 years ago

RamenCatholic 🐢 🌈 · @RamenCatholic
463 followers · 5902 posts · Server
revheath Heather Cracknell · @revheath
187 followers · 218 posts · Server

Dear 🏳️‍🌈 friends - if you haven’t already, please email or write to your bishops to encourage them in the step (albeit tentative) towards affirming relationships.

Given the noise generated in some quarters, a little encouragement could go a long way…

(In case it’s helpful here’s what I wrote to my wonderful bishop)

#affirming #anglican #churchofengland #faithfullylgbt

Last updated 2 years ago

Servelan · @servelan
180 followers · 3475 posts · Server
Etienne Snyman · @etsnyman
4 followers · 24 posts · Server

If you preach that being gay (or otherwise LGBTQIA+) is a sin, why aren't you preaching that all adulterers must be stoned, and that not stoning is a sin? Why cherry-pick? Cherry-picked theology is not theology, but mere hate.

#affirming #lgbt #lgbtqia #inclusivity

Last updated 2 years ago

Joan of Cat (she/her) 😼 · @ceruleanarc
544 followers · 1966 posts · Server

Thanks to you, Mastodon, it is done. You all paid for the , and my boyfriend paid for the stud. I'm so grateful, y'all. 💙 😭 💙

#thankyou #earrings #tgirl #gender #affirming #trans #piercing

Last updated 2 years ago

Joan of Cat (she/her) 😼 · @ceruleanarc
542 followers · 1952 posts · Server


I made my goal, and I'm all scheduled to get my ear lobe TOMORROW at noon!

I can't thank you all enough. I'm literally crying right now because of your kindness and generosity. I even have enough money now to buy aftercare supplies (such as Q-tips and such).

Thank you so much! I can't say it enough. 😭 💙 💛 💙 💛

#affirming #gender #trans #piercings

Last updated 2 years ago

Beto · @VersoAlto
22 followers · 94 posts · Server

. California raised with roots. By day I work on creating digital experiences within for . Wannabe , , owner. I explore and growing comfortable with mystery and uncertainty. I long for communities that are and . I follow , the source of life, and thankful The Great Spirit, that grounds us all, isn’t disappointed of my wondering.

#intro #chicano #nahua #healthcare #Microsoft #nuance #ultrarunner #runningcoach #microgym #theology #inclusive #affirming #yeshua

Last updated 2 years ago

ZLerario · @ZLerario
101 followers · 136 posts · Server

Statewide nondiscrimination policies are more important for the mental health of than are the Human Rights Campaign's municipality equality indices or hate crime laws. Improve in the for and .

Blosnich JR, et al. Am J Public Health. 2016;106(3):534-540.

#employment #transgender #workers #gender #affirming #policies #workplace #trans #nonbinary #employees #lgbt #lgbtq #discrimination #discriminationlaw

Last updated 2 years ago

Loose Leaf Queer · @Genderqueerwolf
311 followers · 438 posts · Server

IF YOU need in your life, *all* of my collections are that way, but especially
Frost on a Gender Graveyard:

#trans #affirming #poetry

Last updated 2 years ago

MelancholyBear · @melancholybear
23 followers · 271 posts · Server
Eldenbrig (She/her) · @Eldenbrig
13 followers · 109 posts · Server

So, I have to share this story, which shows how much of an amazing friend my DM is, and how of my gender he has been.

So, I have been a part of his campaign for a few years now, we're very end-game working towards potential divinity. He had a very hard and fast rule about players ONLY being able to play characters of their own gender, as he has had cis-male players in the past play completely fetishized versions of females, making the female players in the group very uncomfortable and feeling unwelcomed. So he instituted this rule as a way of stopping that.

When I joined, I suspect he knew that something was up with my gender expression, because he apologized profusely about the rule, explaining why it was, and he was sorry that he had to be strict with the rule, despite the fact he knew I would treat any character I played with respect and seriousness.

He had brought me in specifically to help those players who were new to D&D, (and we were playing 3.5e, so even extra wow!) learn to roleplay, and actually stick with characters by having an emotional investment in them.

Since I came onboard, I helped people write a backstory for their characters that they felt a kinship to, and they have stuck with those characters since then.

I played a VERY ultra-masculine centaur from a demi-plane where war was everything, though the backstory was littered with "If you fight, you fight, if you support, you support" mentality that was not set on gendered lines. It was very you have a place in this tribal society, and you fill that role, which is based on skill and aptitude, not gender. So yeah, probably throwing some real anti-patriarchy signals in that back story.

My character is currently on their way to divinity, as a proto-deity of civilization (though filtered through a primitive lens)… he currently appears as a colossal being (as in from Large to Colossal!) made of stone, bones, wood and hides (the materials of civilization from his perspective) and has been thrown through time and space on his divine tests. He has a mortal friend who escaped the same calamity that he did, who has become his living prophet.

So he has A LOT of invested story that we are still in the middle of playing through.

Then the game goes on hiatus, and in that time, I have transitioned.

And then comes back that strict rule. You can only play a character of your gender. I am now female, and my character is VERY MUCH coded masculine... and my poor DM is desperately trying to work out a way of changing my characters gender to female, because the RULE IS THE RULE.

It is honestly the sweetest thing, most affirming thing I have experienced lately. He has been wracking his brain because he didn't know how to broach the topic of enforcing a rule that literally affirmed my gender.

We've still not worked out the way we are going to do it. I have some ideas I am throwing his way, but yeah. I needed to share this story, because it is lovely that there was no questioning of my gender, nothing of the like... it was... "oh no, how do I make this rule work in my world with this character so that Bridgette can play her character still?"

Though I did kind of betray his trust a bit when I played my first female character in our one shot games... female shaman powered by... yes... the spirit of the cougar.

And because of stupid 3.5e rules being written as broken as they are, I somehow ended up with a pack of semi-intelligent velociraptors who had accepted me as their "alpha" because the "speak with animals" (su) power that shamans have doesn't mention it as a number of times of day, just... you can speak with animals... so a few crazy antics and proving I am a better pack leader than the hyper-intelligent t-rex creatures that lead them as hunting animals... yep... proud mama of her pack of velociraptors whom she spent two weeks travelling back through woods and plains because no one would let her babies onboard their ships... she came back a little feral, and loved by her new babies.

He is a great DM (though was flabbergasted at the way I broke his planned encounter, and disgusted when I made a called-shot on the intelligent dino's cloaca... mostly because he had to look up what a cloaca was to determine the disadvantage, lol) and I am a terrible friend. :blobcatsnuggle:

#dnd #affirming

Last updated 2 years ago

John Ager · @john1954moi
376 followers · 1528 posts · Server

Question: Are there things you share here that you wouldn't share on Facebook or Twitter because this is a safer space?

#safespace #affirming #Twitter #facebook #socialmedia #questions

Last updated 2 years ago

John Ager · @john1954moi
376 followers · 1528 posts · Server

I tried an experiment here last night by asking a question, and boosting it this morning.

It wasn't a question I was particularly interested in knowing the answer to, but feel free to respond anyway.

It was a test. A question I wouldn't ask on Facebook or Twitter, but felt safe to ask here.

There was hardly any reaction. This demonstrates to me that here is a safe and affirming place, where I can be open.

#community #encouraging #affirming #socialmedia #Twitter #facebook #boosts #questions

Last updated 2 years ago