After an entire 23 year career of getting 0-2% raises in our union contract intermittently... to now be seeing 15%, 20%, 30% raises being demanded, and received for the term of the contract is: a little terrifying honestly. My union is currently in negotiations with the Employer/BCGov. I have no idea what to expect. I dare not hope for anything. But I do. Thank god for Unions and Collective Bargaining.

#affordabilitycrisis #inflation #canpoli #union #labour #bcpoli #labourrights #workersrights #unionize

Last updated 1 year ago

BC Info Bot · @bcinfo
609 followers · 43399 posts · Server

Assessed Net Value for Taxation 2014 vs 2023 (9 years).
2014: $155,900
2023: $430,000
“Real” Real Estate value likely to be closer to:
$250,000 vs. $600,000
I have not made any significant improvements to the property in that time. This is not a sustainable trajectory. This is also not a retirement plan.

#portalberni #housingcrisis #bcpoli #canpoli #affordabilitycrisis #inflation #moneylaundering #bubble

Last updated 1 year ago

· @Patienceltd
204 followers · 458 posts · Server
Brent Toderian · @BrentToderian
8466 followers · 106 posts · Server

I envy the people who can watch tv shows & movies and NOT think about the unrealistic depictions of the kinds of apartments or detached homes that people would really be able to afford in the cities they’re in, based on the jobs and likely salaries they have.

#morehomesneeded #affordabilitycrisis #cities

Last updated 2 years ago

Vincent St. Pierre 💭 · @vsp
154 followers · 383 posts · Server

I am so very, very thankful I'm paying $1,070/mo CAD for my one bedroom in Calgary, Alberta. It includes a storage unit (across the hall), electricity and water.

For context, my building is currently renting the same size of unit (492 sqr ft) for $1,621/mo. And it doesn't include electricity. So add more points on those $s (maybe 15%?).

I'm already spending ~60%+ of my monthly income on rent. And every neighbouring building has similar/same rental prices.

#yyc #affordabilitycrisis

Last updated 2 years ago