Nonilex · @Nonilex
927 followers · 3365 posts · Server

…The application was approved 7 days before joined the 5-4 majority on a decision that would open the door to a new era of major on groups like the one his wife was forming. After putting up $500k, the lion’s share of her ’s seed money, held an event for at his palatial home in Dallas. The group later made clear its goal was disassembling President Barack ’s agenda, mainly the .

#clarencethomas #spending #nonprofit #harlancrow #ginnithomas #obama #affordablecareact #darkmoney #scotus #corruption

Last updated 1 year ago


-------- Forwarded Message --------


* The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the urgent need for expansion ,
NOT REDUCTION, of the Medicaid health insurance program.
*  In too many states, political decisions by state legislators to
deny health insurance to thousands of their citizens has resulted in
an almost non-existent social and health safety net.

*  Decisions in 2016/2017 by 25 states to reject the expansion of
Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act resulted in an
estimated 7,115 and 17,104 more deaths than had all states opted in,
according to researchers at Harvard Medical School and the City
University of New York.
* The researchers found that because of the states’ “opting out” of
the Medicaid expansion, 7.78 million people who would have gained
coverage remained uninsured.
* To worsen the situation, many states have over the last decade
privatized administration of their Medicaid program into a managed
care program administered by the private profit health insurance

* The companies are paid by state government, and their profit depends
on spending as little as possible on Medicaid patients.
*  It’s hard to imagine any greater disconnect between public good
and private profit: the interest of private health insurance
companies lies not in the obvious social good of delivering quality
health care to patients but in having as few as possible treated as
cheaply as possible.
* No better example exists of a private capitalist enterprise that
feeds on the misery of man.

* You might think that we learned the lesson of discredited managed
care in the 1990s.
*  The term “managed care” is confusing to many, but really amounts
to managed reimbursement rather than managed care.
* A set prospective annual payment is made by federal/state
governments, as in the case of state Medicaid managed care, to cover
whatever services patients will receive over the coming year.
* There is therefore a built-in incentive for managed care
organizations to skimp on care and pocket more profits.

              Doug Stephenson. LCSW, BCD
              Gainesville, Florida

* ______________________________________________________________________________

* LINK: Rolling Medicaid Purge Called 'Largest Concentration of Health
Insurance Loss' in US History

NYU Information for Practice puts out 400-500 good quality health-related research posts per week but its too much for many people, so that bot is limited to just subscribers. You can subscribe at @PsychResearchBot

#health #healthcare #medicare #medicareadvantage #medicaid #healthsafetynet #managedcare #aca #affordablecareact #obamacare

Last updated 1 year ago

Wisconsin Examiner · @WIExaminer
391 followers · 493 posts · Server

Via in our DC bureau, a Congressional panel including attack Biden administration for granting recipients access to Medicaid and the .

#arianalfigueroa #repgrothman #daca #affordablecareact

Last updated 1 year ago

Wisconsin Examiner · @WIExaminer
390 followers · 487 posts · Server

Via @erikgunn, advocates warn of new threat to : judge's ruling against free preventive care requirement. It's on hold now, but case is still alive.

#affordablecareact #wisdoj #ppawi #viventhealth #ProtectOurCare

Last updated 1 year ago

U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
3532 followers · 3396 posts · Server
Cory Doctorow's linkblog · @pluralistic
44108 followers · 42181 posts · Server

But Obama's signature achievement wasn't his economic policy - it was his ** policy. The was a carefully triangulated compromise, one that guaranteed a massive flow of public cash to America's wildly profitable health insurance monopoly and steered clear of any socialist whiff that Americans would get their care from the government.


#healthcare #affordablecareact

Last updated 1 year ago

ProPublica · @ProPublica
80551 followers · 1050 posts · Server

How Often Do Health Insurers Say No to Patients?
No One Knows.

Insurers’ denial rates are a critical measure of how reliably they pay for customers’ care. But they remain mostly secret to the public.

There’s nowhere a consumer or employer can go to look up all insurers’ denial rates.

Federal and state regulators have done little to change that.

#health #healthcare #insurance #Obamacare #affordablecareact #hospitals #doctors #patients

Last updated 1 year ago

Political IQ · @PoliticalIQ
161 followers · 1437 posts · Server
Greg W. · @GW
25 followers · 111 posts · Server

Thousands lose Medicaid in Arkansas: Is this America’s future?

As many as 15 million people nationwide are expected to lose coverage as states check eligibility for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic.

As many as 15 million people, including 5 million children, are expected to lose Medicaid in the coming months in what will be one of the largest shifts in the nation’s health care landscape since passage of the .

#affordablecareact #medicaid

Last updated 1 year ago

Steven Saus [he/him] · @StevenSaus
458 followers · 8568 posts · Server

From 13 Jun: Michigan Democrats are poised to codify the federal health care law into state law, a step that would lock coverage requirements and protections in place in case all or parts of the Affordable Care Act are struck down by courts, changed by Congress or weakened by a future president. -

#affordablecareact #michigan #uspol

Last updated 1 year ago

Nick Byrd · @ByrdNick
824 followers · 389 posts · Server

Partisan bias was found in people's evaluation of the validity of pseudo-arguments for *political* conclusions, but not in their evaluations of the validity of pseudo-arguments for "neutral" conclusions.

Political topics included , , , , , and .

(Note: participants who rated all arguments as either valid or invalid were excluded).

#guncontrol #capitalpunishment #immigration #abortion #affordablecareact #marriageequality #logic #criticalthinking #politics #mysidebias #xPhi

Last updated 1 year ago

ZhiZhu · @ZhiZhu
1400 followers · 6700 posts · Server

"Since its first amicus brief, in the voting rights case in 2012, the Judicial Education Project has submitted about a dozen amicus briefs to the Supreme Court....

In 2014, the group filed a brief in the case, which challenged a mandate in the that employers make available to workers at no cost to the workers. The court’s ruling struck down part of the requirement in a split decision, with Clarence Thomas again in the narrow majority."

#hobbylobby #affordablecareact #contraception #SCOTUS

Last updated 2 years ago

Pierre Lebeaupin · @PierreLebeaupin
13 followers · 275 posts · Server

L'exemple typique d'une réforme qui constitue un tel investissement politique réussi, c'est l' voulu par . D'inspiration proche (même si évidemment cette réforme n'est pas à faire en France), elle lui a initialement couté cher politiquement.

Mais une fois l'alternance arrivée (mettant fin à son droit de véto), il s'est trouvé suffisamment de monde à être reconnaissant pour cette réforme qu'il est devenu impossible à son successeur de revenir dessus

#affordablecareact #barackobama #socialeliberale

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Gardner ‍:sdf: · @mjgardner
591 followers · 3236 posts · Server

@rebeccawatson I was with you except for “…we live in a time when has made our system a dystopian nightmare.”

Because you went into very good detail about the onerous limits on production and the secret limits on pharmacy dispensation. And the American health insurance market is already warped by , , and most recently the / .

The US healthcare system is like homeopathy is “medicine.”

#capitalism #healthcare #dea #adderall #medicare #medicaid #affordablecareact #obamacare #capitalist

Last updated 2 years ago

Political IQ · @PoliticalIQ
105 followers · 862 posts · Server
Haeven · @Haeven
35 followers · 141 posts · Server

"On Thursday, a federal judge in struck down a provision of the ( ) that requires companies to fully cover services such as screenings for , , and for free. The decision... argues that mandating coverage for , , and screening violates the to .

"(T)he judge's decision... takes effect immediately."

#religiousfreedom #constitutionalright #hiv #prep #birthcontrol #diabetes #depression #cancer #preventivecare #healthinsurance #aca #affordablecareact #texas

Last updated 2 years ago

Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️ · @IAmDannyBoling
317 followers · 4967 posts · Server

"Judge Reed O'Connor ruled that do not have to comply with recommendations made by the U.S. Preventive Services (), which was established by a key provision in the (), also known as ."

Just wonderful. is about to get *worse*. A LOT worse!
'Nothing Short of Catastrophic': Strikes Down ACA Preventative Care Provision

#iamdb #judge #federal #m4a #medicareforall #Healthcare #US #obamacare #aca #affordablecareact #uspstf #TaskForce #preventativecare #insurancecompanies

Last updated 2 years ago

aemachmedia · @aemachmedia
39 followers · 237 posts · Server
Wisconsin Examiner · @WIExaminer
291 followers · 324 posts · Server
· @MHowell
45 followers · 635 posts · Server

Judge Reed O'Connor STRIKES DOWN a major provision of the Affordable Care Act requiring insurers to cover a vast amount of preventive care cost-free (contraception, cancer screening, PrEP, a ton of pregnancy-related care). The ruling applies nationwide.

@ai6yr @Teri_Kanefield

#affordablecareact #health #healthcare #cancer #contraception #pregnancy

Last updated 2 years ago