Kevin Pho, MD · @kevinmd
283 followers · 408 posts · Server
Hans · @hans1968
0 followers · 66 posts · Server

Interesting comment on the veto. "Some Republican lawmakers disagreed with the Democratic governor, saying the veto enables homeless people to keep living on the streets."

Isn't that what homeless means? You cannot just tell them you can't live here, but don't provide an alternative. Solve the root cause (mental health), not the symptom!

Governor Hobbs vetoes Arizona legislature bill banning tents in public places

#gop #affordablehealthcare

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Pho, MD · @kevinmd
252 followers · 181 posts · Server

Reimagining healthcare affordability: the power of direct primary care

Consider this: by redirecting just a portion of the current healthcare budget towards a monthly subscription fee for direct primary care (DPC) for every American, we could provide comprehensive primary care services while still saving billions of dollars.

Sara Pastoor is a family physician.

Listen here:

#affordablehealthcare #primarycare #directprimarycare #patientcare

Last updated 2 years ago

While most other high-income countries do guarantee health coverage β€” the U.S. doesn't, abandoning it's responsibility to prevent citizens from dying because of a hell of healthcare costs they can't afford.

The U.S. still has the worst & most expensive healthcare of *any* "developed" high-income country in the world.

#savelives #aca #affordablehealthcare #underdevelopedus #healthcare #ripoff

Last updated 2 years ago

Quratulain Syed · @Quratulainsyed
27 followers · 30 posts · Server

The high deductible plans were developed based on a study that patients would utilize less healthcare services if they had to pay out of pocket. So they achieve their goal.


Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
540 followers · 18392 posts · Server

@divVerent @tprophet and whilst wages in the USA can be 50-100% higher, a lot of added cost due to lack of basics like will result in lower net wages.

Add to that the fact that costs of living - espechally food & groceries -can be much higher and that lower costs of fuel are very much offset by the absurd amount of -dependency.

Something @notjustbikes has lamented on for ages...

#car #affordablehealthcare #mandatory

Last updated 2 years ago