The government's afforestation scheme amounts to nothing more than a bailout of the timber industry. Presenting this piece of greenwashing as progress only serves to undermine belief in climate action.
Read ARG-GL's statement on the subject below 👇
#biodiversity #afforestation #ireland #irishpolitics #greenpolitics #climatepolitics #greenleft #ecosocialism
#biodiversity #afforestation #ireland #irishpolitics #greenpolitics #ClimatePolitics #greenleft #ecosocialism
The #ForestConservationAmendmentBill will put our #ecology severely in danger by #declassifying 197,159 sq. km of #forests, which is 15% of #India ’s forest cover, making it lose protection and leaving it open for destruction through #afforestation, #drilling, replacing forests with #zoos, among other things. It will also exempt a large number of projects from the clearance process
#zoos #drilling #afforestation #india #forests #declassifying #ecology #forestconservationamendmentbill
Centre's new scheme will incentivise a host of activities such as #afforestation, #water conservation, #wastemanagement and #airpollution mitigation by generating ‘Green Credits’ that can be traded for money, reports @neutranino #press
#afforestation #water #wastemanagement #airpollution #press
We absolutely need more trees, but we need none of the monoculture spruce that makes up the bulk of our tree-covered areas.
I use the phrase "tree-covered area" because a spruce plantation is not a forest.
#Afforestation #ClimateBreakdown
RTE news : Concerns raised over 'all time low in tree planting'
#afforestation #climatebreakdown
🚬 Did you know, the tobacco industry causes a fifth of Zimbabwe’s forest loss?
🌳 To mitigate this, in 2015 the government brought in a levy for tobacco farmers, with the idea to include the sector within the country’s afforestation drive.
How effective has this policy been?
🔎 Read more:
#tobacco #agriculture #nature #deforestation #solutions #forest #afforestation
#tobacco #agriculture #nature #deforestation #solutions #forest #afforestation
"But there’s a lot of #carbon stored in the #forest #soils in #Ireland and we have to be aware of that." To establish storage banks of carbon, these forests have to be kept #intact — as opposed to harvested like spruce — potentially for a very long time, so we don’t disturb the soils. "The less disturbance there is to the forest the less carbon is lost out of the system."
#Afforestation #Forestry #CarbonSinks #ecological #SoilHealth #TreePlanting #ProtectForests #trees
#carbon #forest #soils #ireland #intact #afforestation #forestry #CarbonSinks #ecological #soilhealth #treeplanting #protectforests #trees
#China has made new strides in advancing #afforestation in 2022, with the area of newly planted forests totaling 3.83 million hectares, said a report.
@HelenGraham as a former member and activist with #SGP @ScottishGreens I find it particularly galling that the current #Green party, now in government! with #SNP can’t see past this naked #greenwashing #greenwash by #GreenLairds and #corporateWideboys
The same problem is evident with poorly designed and under regulated #Peatland restoration and #afforestation schemes. Done in the name of #CarbonSequestion to feed the #scam #netZero #CarbonCredit #market.
#market #carboncredit #netzero #scam #carbonsequestion #afforestation #peatland #corporatewideboys #greenlairds #greenwash #greenwashing #snp #green #sgp
“We're still faced with 18th century estates damaging the country with no planned corrections.”
It’s worse than that! Today’s incumbents in those same 18th century estates are now busy hovering up huge sums of taxpayer money for #peatland #restoration and #afforestation to put right the ecological damage done over decades by their forebearers …and in many cases the current ‘entitled’ scroungers.
#afforestation #restoration #peatland
Urgent need for updating the slogan of global climate actions from “tree planting” to “restore native vegetation” #IMBEpapers #afforestation #BiodiversityLoss #BonnChallenge #ClimateMitigation #EUBiodiversityStrategy #ForestRestoration #GrasslandRestoration #TreePlanting #TrillionTrees
#imbepapers #afforestation #biodiversityloss #bonnchallenge #climatemitigation #eubiodiversitystrategy #forestrestoration #grasslandrestoration #Treeplanting #trilliontrees
This is good news indeed.
Now if we could just persuade #India to continue the #NaturalRegeneration along the whole stretch of its #Himalayan foothills which constitute the Indo-Nepal border.
#Forest #Afforestation
#india #naturalregeneration #himalayan #forest #afforestation
Mesures desesperades?
Amb les renovables, s'està plantejant usar aigua dessalada per altres usos més enllà de l'aigua de boca.
A Israel, per reemplenar la mar de Galilea.
I ara, per crear boscos artificials, generant nous ecositemes i capturant CO2.
De totes maneres, això seria una laminació de CO2, perquè un cop s'aturés la dessalanització, els boscos desapareixerien i retornarien bona part del CO2 a l'atmosfera.
#PlanetaryCrisis #climateemergency #afforestation
What would you like to know about protecting the climate through planting trees?
At @fortomorrow we protect the #climate in two ways: canceling #emission certificates and planting new #forests. In the last couple of weeks #rainforest #afforestation offsets were in the news. We feel some people would like to know more about how we believe afforestation for climate protection is done right.
If I don’t have the answer to your question, I will pass your question on to our forest ecoystem expert.
Boosts are appreciated!
#climate #emission #forests #rainforest #afforestation
An article about our study last year on estimating available space for equitable #urban #afforestation in #California using #Google #EarthEngine, #US #census estimates, and medium to fine-resolution #satellite observations.
#satellite #census #us #EarthEngine #google #california #afforestation #urban
Large variations in #Afforestation-related #Climate cooling and warming effects across short distances - The required time for the forestation cooling effects via carbon sequestration, to surpass warming effects associated with the forests’ reduced albedo and suppressed longwave radiation might take more than 200 years at very dry sites.
Increasing rental payments of a US conservation program to reflect the social cost of #carbon could increase sequestration thru #afforestation of cropland by 35 million t over 10 years (like taking 28 million cars off the road): #climatechange #landuse
#carbon #afforestation #climatechange #landuse
Can we #terraform the #sahara (or the #australian outback) with #afforestation to stop #climatechange?
there are many dynamics to consider, including the world's #albedo, dust fertilization, and #desalination requirements
#terraform #sahara #australian #afforestation #climatechange #albedo #desalination
At an emission plateau = still burning fossil fuels at 35Gt CO2/year like today, "removing" 2.5Mt CO2 by 100mio new trees in plantations doesn't show on a graph. OTOH, plantations need nutrients and water = #afforestation is tricky wrt #drought and shrinking #biodiversity.
At ‼️zero‼️ CO2 emissions, we need to first remove 50% and eventually all Gt CO2 emitted since 1990 to get back to 1ºC warming.
Add 2-4Gt/a to counter #PermafrostThaw and 2Gt/a for CO2 from dry #wetlands
#afforestation #drought #biodiversity #PermafrostThaw #wetlands
@adnan We're limping back to normalcy. Sad thing about the trees. We regularly hear about crores of saplings getting planted as part of drives, but not sure if they've really helped in increasing the green cover. Another talk these days is about setting up of miyawaki forests, where again the efficacy is to be determined. #Afforestation #Environment
Most things we do for halting #biodiversityloss are good for the #climate, but the same cannot be said for things we do for #climatemitigation. A good example is #afforestation. Only 34% of forest restoration efforts are based on natural regeneration that promotes #biodiversity to flourish. #BECC2022 #BiodiversityCrisis #climatecrisis
#BiodiversityLoss #climate #climatemitigation #afforestation #biodiversity #becc2022 #BiodiversityCrisis #climatecrisis