Making a light tight paper holder fot the box camera. #afghanboxcamera #papersafe #papernegative #MastoArt #cameramaking
#cameramaking #MastoArt #papernegative #papersafe #afghanboxcamera
Update to the making of an #afghanboxcamera out of an old #chinesemoneybox : I made a film gate and focus rails.
The the ground glass aka focusing screen that will be mounted in the “film gate” will hold the paper negatives flat during exposure.
#chinesemoneybox #afghanboxcamera
Update to the making of an #afghanboxcamera out of an old #chinesemoneybox : I made a film gate and focus rails.
The the ground glass aka focusing screen that will be mounted in the “film gate” will hold the paper negatives flat during exposure.
#chinesemoneybox #afghanboxcamera
Meanwhile, another project emerges. I found an antique Chinese money box, perfect to make an box camera out of, with a built in dark room to develop the photo paper in. I have a nice 1905 brass barrel lens for it.
Step 1: making the box light tight. The bottom of this case has been replace once, but that wood had since shrunk. I widened the gaps on a table saw so I could slide wood in it.
#MastoArt #analogphotograhy #papernegative #directpositivepaper #afghanboxcamera #camera-a-foree
#camera #afghanboxcamera #directpositivepaper #papernegative #analogphotograhy #MastoArt
Meanwhile, another project emerges. I found an antique Chinese money box, perfect to make an box camera out of, with a built in dark room to develop the photo paper in. I have a nice 1905 brass barrel lens for it.
Step 1: making the box light tight. The bottom of this case has been replace once, but that wood had since shrunk. I widened the gaps on a table saw so I could slide wood in it.
#MastoArt #analogphotograhy #papernegative #directpositivepaper #afghanboxcamera #camera-a-foree
#camera #afghanboxcamera #directpositivepaper #papernegative #analogphotograhy #MastoArt