New article by @guardian on #afghanschoolgirls
2.5 MIO without #edu
So how can YOU help too?
WE AID supports an initiative teaching #afghangirls besides raising awareness fpr the human rights situation in Afghanistan especialy for girls and young women:
💛➡️ https://WE-AID.org/en/initiativesn/initiatives/afghan-activists-in-exile/
#yesWEAID #humanitarian #relief #nothilfe #akuthilfe #letherlearn #teacher #teaching #globalgoals socent #startup #dogood #edu #liveunited #news
#LiveUnited #DoGood #startup #globalgoals #teaching #teacher #letherlearn #akuthilfe #nothilfe #relief #humanitarian #yesweaid #humanright #Education #afghangirls #edu #afghanschoolgirls #News
#Education is a #humanright
supports an initiative providing 1 on 1 online #classes WITH #teachers for #afghangirls.
ANYONE can support with ANY amount. Share, tell others, support them:
💛ℹ️ https://www.WE-AID.org/en/initiatives/afghan-activists-in-exile/
WE are the🌍 & won´t forget´em. Let´s do this:
#yesWEAID #humanitarian #emergencyaid #letherlearn #letafghangirlslearn #twlz #socent #socialimpact #startup #entrepreneur #lernen #teacher #lehrer #lehrerzimmer #liveunited
#LiveUnited #lehrerzimmer #lehrer #teacher #lernen #entrepreneur #startup #socialimpact #socent #twlz #LetAfghanGirlsLearn #letherlearn #EmergencyAid #humanitarian #yesweaid #afghangirls #teachers #classes #humanright #Education #News
RT @mats_tina@twitter.com
The here&now,the near future of #AfghanGirls & #AfghanWomen !
My❤️almost breaks again&again bc of the stories of Afghan women/Girls they tell me&when I see such pictures!
Cruel #religiousmisogyny !
#StandWithAfghanWomen & girls!
#FreeFromHijab & #Burqa
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mats_tina/status/1619489303503200256
#afghangirls #AfghanWomen #religiousmisogyny #standwithafghanwomen #WomenLifeFreedom #freefromhijab #burqa
I can’t stop thinking about the Afghan girls Robotic team knows as Afghan Dreamers. The girls with minimal resources were able to design and build low cost ventilators and their expertise were used during Covid crisis. Roya, a member of Afghan dreamers was ranked among Time’s 100 most influential people for her work in building internet classrooms in Afghan high schools.