Happy Us Day Girls!
There’s still so much to be done and here, US, things seem to be going backwards….
#afghanistangirls #iranianwomen #womensrightsarehumanrights #InternationalWomensDay
“Der er ingen tvivl om, at det går den forkerte vej med ligestillingen i Afghanistan. Det er forfærdeligt for kvinderne, men også for Afghanistan. Hele landet taber, når kvinder nægtes adgang til skole og uddannelse. Derfor fordømmer Red Barnet beslutningen og gentager i samme ombæring, at alle børn og unge har ret til uddannelse uanset køn – også i Afghanistan.” https://www.berlingske.dk/laesere/hele-afghanistan-taber-naar-piger-og-kvinder-ikke-maa-uddanne-sig #RedBarnet #afghanistanwomen #afghanistangirls
#afghanistangirls #afghanistanwomen #redbarnet
#CHOICE #AfghanistanGirls #AfghanWomen #WomensRightsAreHumanRights #FundamentalistOppression
#WomenLifeFreedom #IranianWomen #iranianRevolution
Women of the world unite---fundamental oppression in world wide...even #CHOICE in the US...
Women have the Right to #Sovereignty, #autonomy #Equality #EducationForAll and #RESPECT
Fundamentalists always oppress the women First in any Society. ..
#unite #speakup #supportEachOther #riseAllUp
#riseallup #supporteachother #speakup #unite #Respect #EducationForAll #equality #autonomy #sovereignty #ukrainianwomenwarriors #iranianrevolution #iranianwomen #womenlifefreedom #fundamentalistoppression #womensrightsarehumanrights #AfghanWomen #afghanistangirls #Choice #womenoftheworldunite
#CHOICE #AfghanistanGirls #AfghanWomen #WomensRightsAreHumanRights #FundamentalistOppression
#WomenLifeFreedom #IranianWomen #iranianRevolution
Women of the world unite---fundamental oppression in world wide...even #CHOICE in the US...
Women have the Right to #Sovereignty, #autonomy #Equality #EducationForAll and #RESPECT
Fundamentalists always oppress the women First in any Society. ..
#unite #speakup #supportEachOther #riseAllUp
#riseallup #supporteachother #speakup #unite #Respect #EducationForAll #equality #autonomy #sovereignty #ukrainianwomenwarriors #iranianrevolution #iranianwomen #womenlifefreedom #fundamentalistoppression #womensrightsarehumanrights #AfghanWomen #afghanistangirls #Choice #womenoftheworldunite
RT @Fr_Bechieau@twitter.com
Bravo à ces femmes ! Quel courage ! #Afghanistan #AfghanWomen #BanTaliban #Afghanistangirls @AfghanaGulalai@twitter.com @enfants_afghan@twitter.com @MdpMouvement@twitter.com https://twitter.com/mortazabehboudi/status/1552965022523035649
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Fr_Bechieau/status/1553064584172404736
#afghanistan #AfghanWomen #bantaliban #afghanistangirls