#Afghanistan, quasi 80 #studentesse #avvelenate e ricoverate
#tfnews #cronaca #esteri #afghanistanwomen #news
#afghanistan #studentesse #avvelenate #tfnews #cronaca #esteri #afghanistanwomen #news
"Afghanistan girls' education: 'When I see the boys going to school, it hurts'
The girls say they fear that global outrage over what's happened to them is fading, even though they live with the pain every day - intensified this week when another school term started without them.
"When I see the boys going to school and doing whatever they want, it really hurts me. I feel very bad. When I see my brother leaving for school, I feel broken," says Tamana. Her voice trembles and tears roll down her cheeks but she goes on.
"Earlier, my brother used to say I won't go to school without you. I hugged him and said you go, I'll join you later.
"People tell my parents you shouldn't worry, you have sons. I wish we had the same rights." "
#Afghanistan #AfghanistanWomen #WomenRights #HumanRights #Education
#afghanistan #afghanistanwomen #womenrights #humanrights #education
I wish a happy #Nowruz to everyone celebrating.
Especially to those in #Iran and #Afghanistan fighting a struggle over freedom with their suppressive regimes, I wish a year full of light, in which freedom will prevail.
#Afghanistanwomen #WomenLifeFreedom #MahsaAmini
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Tineke_Strik/status/1637928746153046018
#Nowruz #iran #Afghanistan #afghanistanwomen #WomenLifeFreedom #MahsaAmini
Un grand merci de sa part à tous-tes pour votre mobilisation et vos signatures. Un grand merci à @F3PaysdelaLoire@twitter.com et @MediapartBlogs@twitter.com pour le relai. Et surtout merci à son avocate qui a défendu cette famille et ce journaliste avec brio ! #afghanistanwomen https://blogs.mediapart.fr/les-invites-de-mediapart/blog/300123/il-faut-accorder-l-asile-la-famille-du-journaliste-afghan-nusrat-parsa
Here's to celebrating The International Day of Women and Girls in Science
#STEM #STEMWomen #womenSTEM #Afghanistanwomen
The theme of this year's day is:
Innovate. Demonstrate. Elevate. Advance.
I.D.E.A.: Bringing communities Forward for sustainable and equitable development
The 8th International Day of Women and Girls in Science looks at sustainable development goals (SDG): SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation), SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy), SDG 9 (industry, innovation, and infrastructure), SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities).
These SDG are some of the UN's 17 global goals, see: https://sdgs.un.org/goals International Day of Women and Girls in Science aims to link the knowledge and expertise of women to the wider International Community and its applications for the 2030 agenda and its 17 global goals.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science also demonstrates the power of women to develop communities for the better. Without education for women, communities for men as well as women are compromised. Thoughts are with the women and girls of Afghanistan.
#stem #stemwomen #WomenSTEM #afghanistanwomen
RT @valeriedomain@twitter.com
Protestation. Des athlètes féminines afghanes ont posé anonymement pour un photographe de l'agence de presse AP, avec des équipements de la discipline sportive pratiquée dans leur "vie d'avant". #sport #Protesta #Afghan #AfghanWomen #afghanistanwomen https://www.linternaute.com/actualite/monde/2708209-en-images-privees-de-sport-des-athletes-afghanes-posent-avec-leur-equipement-pour-protester/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/valeriedomain/status/1614580791836659714
#afghanistanwomen #AfghanWomen #afghan #protesta #sport
RT @KurdistanAu@twitter.com
L’ancienne députée afghane, Mursal Nabizada abattue à Kaboul
La jeune femme avait refusé de fuir l’Afghanistan quand les Talibans ont pris le pouvoir en 2021
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KurdistanAu/status/1614882009234477057
#Afghanistan #afghanistanwomen #ortskräfte #DontForgetsfghanista
RT @RoyaWah@twitter.com
Ich werde Sie @AuswaertigesAmt@twitter.com @ABaerbock@twitter.com @diegruenen@twitter.com @Bundeskanzler@twitter.com @SvenjaSchulze68@twitter.com jeden Tag damit konfrontieren, wie es Menschen ohne Pässe in #Afghanistan ergeht. Hier Tochter eines 10 jährigen deutschen Angestellten des Auswärtiges Amt. Trotz Aufnahmezusage steckt sie fest. https://twitter.com/RoyaWah/status/1612834546168233984
#dontforgetsfghanista #Ortskrafte #afghanistanwomen #afghanistan
Herzlich Willkommen an alle neuen Follower.
Lasst uns für Demokratie und gegen Rassismus, Misogynie, Antisemitismus und alle Diskriminierung zusammenstehen.
#afghanistanwomen #stopexecutionsiniran #IranRevoIution
NGO's kunnen nauwelijks nog humanitaire hulp verlenen in Afghanistan door vrouwenverbod https://eenvandaag.avrotros.nl/item/kunnen-ngos-nog-wel-werken-in-afghanistan-door-vrouwenverbod-van-de-taliban-het-is-lastig/
Verschillende NGO's stoppen ermee omdat het nu echt onmogelijk gemaakt wordt nog hulp aan vrouwen te verlenen 😢 #eenvandaag #afghanistanwomen
#afghanistanwomen #Afghanistan #dus0712
RT @FRNRW@twitter.com
Am Samstag findet in #Düsseldorf eine Demonstration gegen die Unterdrückung von Frauen und Mädchen in #Afghanistan statt.
Kommt zahlreich!
#dusseldorf #dus0712 #afghanistan #afghanistanwomen
schweigen ist das neue grün - wie in der feministischen außenpolitik zu #IranRevoIution #afghanistanwomen und und und …..
RT @bckaemper@twitter.com
Kannste dir nicht ausdenken: Die einzigen Tweets von @GrueneFrakNRW@twitter.com seit Weihnachten. "Peace!" "Frohes Neues Jahr!" Auch die Grünen: Lassen Polizeieinsatz gleich in den ersten 3 Tagen eskalieren, in #Lützerath wird Tag X ausgerufen. Ansonsten Dröhnendes Schweigen.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bckaemper/status/1610445640802222080
#Lutzerath #afghanistanwomen #iranrevoiution
“Der er ingen tvivl om, at det går den forkerte vej med ligestillingen i Afghanistan. Det er forfærdeligt for kvinderne, men også for Afghanistan. Hele landet taber, når kvinder nægtes adgang til skole og uddannelse. Derfor fordømmer Red Barnet beslutningen og gentager i samme ombæring, at alle børn og unge har ret til uddannelse uanset køn – også i Afghanistan.” https://www.berlingske.dk/laesere/hele-afghanistan-taber-naar-piger-og-kvinder-ikke-maa-uddanne-sig #RedBarnet #afghanistanwomen #afghanistangirls
#afghanistangirls #afghanistanwomen #redbarnet
#afghanistanwomen Zur Situation in #Afghanistan habe ich für die UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe im #BlogderRepublik berichtet:
#afghanistanwomen #afghanistan #blogderrepublik
Much has changed, for Afghan women, since the USA liberated the country.
#afghan #afghanistan #afghanistanwomen #womenrights
Eines der größten moralischen Verbrechen der westlichen Welt war der Abzug aus #Afghanistan. Man hat der Bevölkerung so vieles versprochen und sie dann den #Taliban übergelassen. #AfghanWomen #afghanistanwomen
#afghanistanwomen #AfghanWomen #taliban #afghanistan
Eines der größten moralischen Verbrechen der westlichen Welt war der Abzug aus #Afghanistan. Man hat der Bevölkerung so vieles versprochen und sie dann den #Taliban übergelassen. #AfghanWomen #afghanistanwomen
#afghanistanwomen #AfghanWomen #taliban #afghanistan