Das Schicksal, der afghanischen Frauen und Mädchen darf uns nicht egal sein. Wir müssen handeln. Die Vizepräsidentin des europäischen Parlaments Nicola Beer hat recht.#AfghanWomenMatter
#afghanwomenmatter #empowerafghanwomen #supportafghangirls #StandWithAfghanWomen #changeforafghanwomen #justiceforafghanwomen #voiceforafghanwomen #equalityforallwomen #humanrightsforall
After only a year of Taliban rule, girls and women have disappeared from Afghan society. They’re not allowed to travel, go to work alone, go to public parks, *talk or laugh* in public, and, most recently, to study or to go to school until the age of 13.
#AfghanWomenMatter #AfghanWomen #AfghanGirlsRightToEducation
#afghanwomenmatter #AfghanWomen #afghangirlsrighttoeducation