@mdhughes That was the brilliance of the game engine. I bought all four of the Classic #Unisystem books plus the splatbooks for #AFMBE and the #WitchCraftRPG for that purpose.
#unisystem #afmbe #witchcraftrpg
Hey @timsbrannan, check it out! #AFMBE #AllFleshMustBeEaten #TTRPG #Zombies
#afmbe #allfleshmustbeeaten #ttrpg #zombies
All Flesh Must Be Eaten: Episode 1, "Dairy Queen of the Dead"
This is after a few rounds of the zombies bustin' into the DQ..
It’s been a long time since All Flesh Must Be Eaten was part of the gaming zeitgeist, but watching _Army of the Dead_ - which is a combination zombie apocalypse and Las Vegas Heist - really makes me want to break it out to run a similar adventure.
I’m sure someone else has already done this.
More Monster Hunters #HeroForge #AFMBE #WitchCraftRPG #NightShiftRPG
#heroforge #afmbe #witchcraftrpg #nightshiftrpg
Monster Hunters and Zombie Killers #HeroForge #AFMBE #NightShiftRPG
#heroforge #afmbe #nightshiftrpg
There doesn't seem to be much love on here for #EdenStudios RPGs, which is kind of sad. These games were underappreciated when they were new, overshadowed by the World of Darkness by White Wolf. They were still a fascinating take on modern horror and dark fantasy.
#edenstudios #afmbe #allfleshmustbeeaten #witchcraftrpg #armageddonrpg
I just noticed a reference to Arrgh, Thar be Zombies!!! the pirate sourcebook for All Flesh Must Be Eaten in the inspired by section of the Pirate Borg Kickstarter. Totally missed that when I backed it.
Dan would have been proud and I’m pretty sure he would have backed this KS.
#rpg #kickstarter #KickstarterGames #AllFleshMustBeEaten #afmbe #PirateBorg #MorkBorg #MÖRKBORG #Arrghtharbezombies #zombies #pirates #zombiesvspirates
#rpg #kickstarter #KickstarterGames #allfleshmustbeeaten #afmbe #PirateBorg #MorkBorg #arrghtharbezombies #zombies #pirates #zombiesvspirates
You can tell the game is ancient when I get no results for #unisystem or even #afmbe. Excellent games, but the publisher is long since dead. #tipaforty for the Angel RPG.
Quietly excited, #TTRPG for #FreeLeague's collaboration with #AMC for #TheWalkingDead RPG. Finally can dust off my #AFMBE books (not that they've gathered much dust!) and present deadworlds with #YZE mechanics. 😎 Interested in how they present the horde as a threat, not a series of tactical battles. Article at the drop, although beware #DiceBreaker's cookie permissions, they are a roll of the dice. 😞 https://www.dicebreaker.com/games/the-walking-dead-universe-roleplaying-game/news/walking-dead-tabletop-roleplaying-game-kickstarter
#ttrpg #freeleague #amc #thewalkingdead #afmbe #yze #dicebreaker
@nerdybutcute #AFMBE has the greatest splat books, but I'm looking forward to #FreeLeague's #TheWalkingDead #RPG for modern mechanics for the zombie horde...maybe adapt the deadworlds of #AFMBE into that system. :)
#afmbe #freeleague #thewalkingdead #rpg