When my @playdate shipped, I wasn't expecting it until Monday. I was thrilled to receive an update that it is now out for delivery. My next #Lego set wasn't going to arrive until Monday either, also now out for delivery. I ordered the Ghost with Phantom II from *Ahsoka*. This is shaping up into a fun weekend. #Afol #ChildlikeNoChildish
#lego #afol #childlikenochildish
Ist zwar noch kein Winter, aber bei diesen süßen Set für zehn Euro konnte ich nicht wiederstehen...
Die Pinguine drehen im Kreis! Auch der Schneemann, der sich einen Hummer brutzelt.
Keine Aufkleber, bedruckte Teile!
#Beatles album covers in #Lego (fan build by Gwyneth Korbial) at the #LegoHouse, Billund.
#danmark #denmark #afol #thebeatles #legohouse #LEGO #beatles
I added a cute little gas pump to the garage. Not bad for my first MOC 😎 #AFOL
So, fertig ist das Team zur Erkundung des Big Bang und anderer Ecken des Universums der #Klemmbausteine.
Captain Picard, Mr. Spock und Worf.
BTW, wusstet ihr das Worf, also der Schauspieler, auch schon in Star Trek 6 mitgespielt hat. Als klingonischer Pflichtverteidiger für Captain James Tiberius Kirk!
#klemmbausteine #afob #afol #startrek #BlueBrixx
The #LegoHouse was marvellous. Everywhere you turn there is a pot of #Lego bricks and an encouragement to build something. Took me back to being a wean building things with just the bricks I could find. I wonder if I’ve accidentally lost something through being an #AFOL always able to order precisely the piece I want.
I mean, sure, let's just add more and more!
This is only two floors, there are two more to go. My daughter loves this set because it feels like a dolls house (and can be used like one)
An idea that seems so obvious now you think about it. LEGO Braille bricks! Using the iconic LEGO studs to spell out the letters.
#lego #afol #accessibility #kids
Unendliche Weiten. Dies sind die Abenteuer des Klemmbauschiff Enterprise...
Ob ich die Sets von MegaConstrux öffnen sollte...?
#afob #afol #startrek #klemmbausteine
This is what 30 years of progress looks like
Happy #ReverseCasualFriday everyone!
I'm back on the #lego bow tie train this week, this time with a color combination that I haven't worn in a while.
Have a great day and a fantastic weekend!
#reversecasualfriday #lego #afol
The more I look into non-Lego building block sets the more I love them.
The "Sanctum sanctorum" by Panlos is ridiculous in the most positive sense. The amount of bricks my wife and I used for the basement alone is staggering, the details are fantastic and once we're done with it there are three more floors to go 😱🥰
When it comes to "brick per buck" and "build time per buck" this set is amazing.
Dr. Strange is borrowed from a (boring) Lego set.
#AFOL #lego
And that's bag 4! 668 steps. About 8 hours total to build.
42128 Heavy-duty Tow Truck - 2017 pieces
Fun, if very technical, build. That first set of bags are crazy! Truck is solid! All the features work nicely. I'm about 80% happy with the no sticker look. I like the cleanliness of it but do sort of miss the "action" from the stickers.
The engine pistons work but get completely hidden by the hood. The turning radius is extreme because of how long the wheelbase is. Wheel alignment is a little wonky in the back. Winches operate independently which is a little extra work. Guess it would be hard to get them in sync.
Mini-fig for scale.
Bag 3 complete!! Definitely truck like now! I went for the non-sticker plain look. Mostly because I don't like applying the larger stickers.
Yes, I may be building during my pomodoro breaks from work. Shh...