This afternoon at Water Operations for Uncertain Futures 2023 , we've taken on the role of various stakeholders and mapped out how we might carry out the concept pitches from initiation to adaptation. The takeaways? The considerations involved in shaping are and involve many interactions between , , , , and . Some things are easy to and – but on the whole, creating and in this space takes time, conversations, many knowledges, hard choices, and careful planning. And whether we know it or not, we all depend on the care people in this space take in creating robust water futures for us all.

is the third workshop in the Algorithmic Futures Policy Lab series, which has been made possible with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. ANU Institute for Water Futures and have taken the lead in planning and supporting this workshop. Thanks, also, to the Fenner School of Environment and Society, ANU School of Cybernetics, ANU Centre for European Studies, CNRS LAMSADE, and DIMACS Rutgers University.

The content on this post and any material herein reflects only the author’s view. The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

#afplwouf23 #water #futures #complex #society #environment #technology #industry #Governance #adapt #change #robust #equitable #systems #onebasincrc #cybernetics #waterpolicy #australia #EuropeanUnion

Last updated 1 year ago

What water futures will we create today?

In Water Operations for Uncertain Futures 2023, we've already seen many possible visions of what our water futures might look like and how we can begin to shape them through practice, thanks to yesterday's excellent opening panel chaired by Katherine Daniell, including panelists David Kennewell, Nicola Ulibarri, Karen Hutchinson, Julianne Quinn, and Jasmin Zatarain Salazar from TU Delft. This morning, we're hearing the concept pitches we'll be working on collectively today -- each of which is an opportunity to shape our water futures with help from the knowledges of all our workshop participants.

More on the workshop:

is the third workshop in the Algorithmic Futures Policy Lab series, which has been made possible with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. ANU Institute for Water Futures and OneBasinCRC have taken the lead in planning and supporting this workshop. Also thanks to the ANU Fenner School, ANU School of Cybernetics, ANU Centre for European Studies, CNRS LAMSADE, and DIMACS Rutgers University.

The content on this post and any material herein reflects only the author’s view. The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Image credit: Luis Tosta from Unsplash

#transdisciplinary #afplwouf23 #cybernetics #futures #waterpolicy #australia #EuropeanUnion

Last updated 1 year ago

We're hearing about all the concept pitches we'll be working on today -- it'll be fantastic to see how all our ideas come together to help shape the of water operations! More on the workshop here:

Image credit: Luis Tosta from Unsplash

#afplwouf23 #water #future

Last updated 1 year ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
3396 followers · 1914 posts · Server

If your interests are or , then you might want to follow for the @AlgFuturesLab workshop -

#research #water #waterfutures #afplwouf23

Last updated 1 year ago

panelist Julianne Quinn “There are always tradeoffs. How do we manage the system for total societal benefit?” Her point is that there is no one answer to this question because there are many visions for what “total societal benefit” looks like.


Last updated 1 year ago

panelist Karen Hutchinson on the importance of in decision-making around what happens in extreme situations (drought, or flood). Very relevant – both for policy making, but also for algorithmic design of relevance to these systems.

#afplwouf23 #transparency

Last updated 1 year ago

panelist Jasmin Zatarain Salazar stressing the importance of building common vocabulary to enable effective cross-disciplinary collaborations: “Spaces like this one are very useful for this because we can find common terms.”


Last updated 1 year ago

panelist @Dave Kennewell on communication of uncertainty as a challenge in building trust with stakeholders. How do we explain uncertainty in modelling while also building trust in a useful model?


Last updated 1 year ago

panelist Nicola Ulibarri raising the idea that “uncertainty” isn’t just about water uncertainty – it’s also about the social, political, economic uncertainties that impact on operations.


Last updated 1 year ago

“What water operations future could we build together?”
Joseph Guillaume
ANU Institute for Water Futures,
ANU Fenner School and OneBasinCRC kicking off


Last updated 1 year ago