"Electric Marronage is a digital site, events, and workshop series that showcases scholarly, political, creative and personal work that engages with themes of fugitivity, escape, survival (inside and outside the academy), “worlds/otherwise,” “Black femme freedom,” and decolonizing diaspora studies."
#electricmarronage #blackdiaspora #africandiaspora #carribean #blackatlantic #thepersonalispolitical #visualart #podcast #theory #latine #latina #latino #latinx
Russian Tsar-President Vladimir Putin authorizes Russian Central Banks to write off over $20 Billion of debt owed by African Nations -- approves $90 Million for development in Africa. Africa News Forum #beyondanalysis #WakeUpAfrica #NationOfIslam #africa #africanfashion #Africanews Africa Prime News Africa Proud #africandiaspora #truthcommando #georgemuhammad
#beyondanalysis #wakeupafrica #nationofislam #Africa #africanfashion #africanews #africandiaspora #truthcommando #georgemuhammad
#Bales2023FilmChallenge July 26: various countries ban together for #OneVoiceDay
William Klein's Festival panafricain d'Alger [The #Panafrican Festival in Algiers] (1969)
#WilliamKlein #documentary #CinémaDirect #photography #BlackPanthers #music #jazz #politics #neocolonialism #Africa #AfricanDiaspora #PanAfrica #BLM #film #cinema #FilMastodon #CineMastodon @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #onevoiceday #panafrican #williamklein #documentary #cinemadirect #photography #blackpanthers #music #jazz #politics #neocolonialism #Africa #africandiaspora #panafrica #BLM #film #cinema #filmastodon #cinemastodon
Note to Florida and DeSantis: Enslaved Africans were already skilled
#FloridaHistory #EnslavedAfricans #SkilledWorkers #RonDesantis #Slavery #AfricanDiaspora #Politics #News
#floridahistory #enslavedafricans #skilledworkers #rondesantis #slavery #africandiaspora #politics #news
"As a member of the African diaspora, the festival’s curation feels personal to me – as if it was designed for me. Yet I wonder how other members of the Global Majority will experience it, and I wonder how white people will experience it."
#LiverpoolBiennial #ReversedCartography #AfricanDiaspora #HumanTrafficking #BritishEmpire #Colonialism #Commonwealth #Maps #Cartography #Names #Culture
#AmWriting #Writer #GlobalMajority #BlackMastodon
#BlackMastodon #globalmajority #writer #amwriting #culture #names #cartography #maps #commonwealth #colonialism #britishempire #humantrafficking #africandiaspora #reversedcartography #liverpoolbiennial
“I was thinking one day, ‘Where can I live or where could I go where #racism won’t hit me in the face as a Black man?’” he said. “I was sitting there like, ‘duh, #Africa.’”
As someone who spent 5 years of my childhood in #Nigeria & 1½ years in #Barbados, I can relate to this.
#BlackMastodon #Blackhealth
#Blackmentalhealth #racialdiscrimination
#AfricanDiaspora #BlackDiaspora #minorities
#racism #africa #nigeria #barbados #blackmastodon #blackhealth #blackmentalhealth #racialdiscrimination #africandiaspora #blackdiaspora #minorities
If you're in #Detroit you can start signing up now to be a vendor at the Wright Museum's 2023 African World Festival.
#detroit #wrightmuseum #africa #africandiaspora #blackmastodon
3er. Congreso del Afrovenezolano: Decenio Internacional para las Personas Afrodescendientes #AfricanDiáspora #VzlaViveElCarnaval #Cumbe #Afrovenezolano #CongresoAfro
#africandiaspora #vzlaviveelcarnaval #cumbe #AfroVenezolano #congresoafro
I thought of the Global North debut of Wanuri Kahiu with Pumzi, her science fiction short.
"Water should be free!"
She opened up about the material realities of funding + distributing African films.
+importance of recentering Black, African-descended folks in African stories.
#WanuriKahiu #Water
#wanurikahiu #water #sciencefiction #blackmastodon #dystopia #eastafrica #kenya #africandiaspora #englishspeakers #africanfuturism #futureafrica #throwbackthursday #postcolonial
In the US, it's Black History Month.
Oh, what a dream it would be to be unbothered, to glide, luxuriant, in full sapience + sentience, or at rest, able to thrive or falter with fewer scythes in the rich soil our ancestors fed--
#blackjoy #blacknuance #blackdiversity #blackculture #blackhistory #africandiaspora #extra
Design Milk : F5: b. Robert Moore Credits Art With Saving His Life https://design-milk.com/f5-b-robert-moore-credits-art-with-saving-his-life/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=f5-b-robert-moore-credits-art-with-saving-his-life #AfricanAmericandiaspora #Africandiaspora #B.RobertMoore #FridayFive #Main #Iowa #Art #art
#africanamericandiaspora #africandiaspora #b #fridayfive #main #iowa #art
I had the pleasure of talking to Miguel Valerio about his game-changing new book "Sovereign Joy: Afro-Mexican Kings and Queens, 1539-1640" for the New Books Network. Available wherever you get your podcasts!
#histodons #mexicanhistory #newbooks #bookstodon #africandiaspora #joy #decolonialjoy #latinamerica
Also, my options for the relation of the will’s author to Lucy don’t cover this situation. ‘Servant’ and ‘Other’ being only non-familial options. Lucy wasn’t a servant; she was an enslaved person. Other is perhaps painfully ironic but not right. Yes, slavery is shameful but masking it now by erasure and obfuscation is not the right path. #genealogy #historicalRecords #slavery #africanDiaspora #FamilyHistory #SystemicRacism
#systemicracism #familyhistory #africandiaspora #slavery #historicalrecords #genealogy
Emancipation Producer Apologizes After Bringing Photo of 'Whipped Peter' to Movie Premiere | https://www.theroot.com/emancipation-producer-apologizes-after-bringing-photo-o-1849853530 #africanamericansinthecivilwar #entertainment2cculture #humanrightsabuses #franklinleonard #africandiaspora #americanslaves #joeymcfarland #martindelaney #whippedpeter #abolitionism #petersmith #willsmith #articles #slavery #gordon #oscars
#africanamericansinthecivilwar #entertainment2cculture #humanrightsabuses #franklinleonard #africandiaspora #americanslaves #joeymcfarland #martindelaney #whippedpeter #abolitionism #petersmith #willsmith #articles #slavery #gordon #oscars
#BantúMama, a quiet story of connections from the Dominican Republic. #MovieReview #AfricanDiaspora. A story full of love and hope.
#bantumama #moviereview #africandiaspora
Putting the words (in no particular order) on my #introduction tshirt so my people can find me. 💖
#introduction #manifestinggenerator #humandesign #enneagram #enneagram5 #yinyoga #numerology #africandiaspora #chakras #mindfulness #crownact #genx #oldschoolhiphop
I've fantasized about walking through life wearing a shirt that says
#Introvert, or
#INTJ, or
#Enneagram5, or
#5w4, or
#ManifestingGenerator, or #Profile5/1, or
#Lifepath7, or
If you get any of that, you understand why. 🤗
This #introduction #introductionpost is that shirt!
#oldschoolhiphop #chakras #pranayama #yinyoga #teaching #motherhood #somatics #mindfulmovement #astrology #dogmom #africandiaspora #poetry #travel #enneagram #reiki #attachmenttheory #linguistics #genx
#genx #introvert #intj #enneagram5 #5w4 #manifestinggenerator #profile5 #lifepath7 #woodrabbit #oldschoolhiphop #chakras #pranayama #yinyoga #teaching #motherhood #somatics #mindfulmovement #astrology #dogmom #africandiaspora #poetry #travel #enneagram #reiki #attachmenttheory #linguistics #introduction #introductionpost
"Ancestors In Training: Writing the Future W/ Veronica Agard"
I want to quit my entire life and head to this workshop, but it looks like previous obligations are going to hold me back, so please, someone in NYC attend this and spread the wisdoms!
#ancestorsintraining #nyc #eastharlem #africandiaspora #indigenous
#ancestorsintraining #nyc #eastharlem #africandiaspora #indigenous