So thrilled about Wole Talabi sharing words about The Sauúiverse with us. Give this a read, a share? And please follow their campaign. (Links in the update - I think you'll want to when you see how cool it is!) #Africa #AfricanArt #AfricanSFF #Sauútiverse
#africa #africanart #africansff #sauutiverse
The Sauútiverse is an awesome project, and I encourage you to read about it, and give the upcoming campaign a follow! 🥰 (Links in the update!) #Ukraine #Africa #SFF #UkrainianSFF #AfricanSFF #Sauútiverse #EmbroideredWorlds
#ukraine #africa #sff #ukrainiansff #africansff #sauutiverse #embroideredworlds