AFSCME ratifies new 4-year contract
SPRINGFIELD (Capitol News Illinois) – Gov. JB Pritzker and the state’s largest public employee union announced Tuesday that they have agreed on a new contract that will provide a nearly
#Illinois #AFSCME #AFSCMECouncil31 #AmericanFederationOfStateCountyAndMunicipalEmployees #DemocraticNationalCommittee #DemocraticNationalConvention #IllinoisNews #JBPritzker #RobertaLynch
#illinois #afscme #afscmecouncil31 #americanfederationofstatecountyandmunicipalemployees #democraticnationalcommittee #democraticnationalconvention #illinoisnews #jbpritzker #robertalynch
@inquiline Solidarity from this #AFSCME #Union member in Tacoma WA :solidarity:
Planning on traveling to #Chicago (I already have reasons to be there and I was last there briefly in 2009) for the #Socialism2023 conference the first week in September. I look forward to some of the speakings like Robin DG Kelley, and Naomi Klein.
I live right next to a #Burgerville in #Portland (#pdx) that's unionized with the #IWW. May Day was the expiration of their contract and the picket and boycott are back on. I worked for a #union in college (#AFSCME Local 3299 in the #UC system). I'd like to get more involved both in my personal education, my ability to eventually teach #sociology at the community college level.
I have rarely been at socialist events. The last was a Repeal the 8th event in #Dublin. I was once in a socialist organization and I miss aspects of it, though it's more filled with lessons than actual effective organizing.
#DSA #socialism #socialist #conference #labor #Marxism #anarchism #organizing
#chicago #socialism2023 #Burgerville #Portland #pdx #IWW #union #afscme #uc #sociology #dublin #dsa #socialism #socialist #conference #labor #marxism #anarchism #Organizing
Sign the Community Letter of Support to support Salt Lake City Public Library Workers as they seek to unionize
#LibraryUnions #LibraryLabor #SaltLakeCityPublicLibrary #SLCPL #AFSCME
#libraryunions #librarylabor #saltlakecitypubliclibrary #slcpl #afscme
#Dartmouth library workers organizing!
Despite the crucial role we play in supporting education and research at Dartmouth, we remain understaffed and under-compensated. In the last few years alone, we have dealt with wage compression, library closures, and the removal of any systematized professional advancement structure...we have assessed our options and come to the...conclusion...that a union is our best option for a better workplace.
Letter from the non-profit “Freedom Foundation” with an $800 “check” on the other side if addressee will “resign any membership” in AFSCME council 93. Recycling this disgusting #UnionBusting effort. #solidarity #AFSCME
#unionbusting #solidarity #afscme
Been sleeping horribly all week thanks to this stress over #SB256
J is encouraging me to get in touch with #AFSCME to help them call members and let them know about the bill. Also hoping that some of these senator's offices will get back to me with the info I requested so I can write something up. If not, I may just have to go do all the research myself and get in touch with these smaller unions most impacted by this bill.
Either way, taking it easy today and going back to bed for a post-coffee nap this morning. Hope you all have a wonderful day and get a chance to catch a break this weekend! 🙏❤️
Today in Labor History March 28, 1977: AFSCME Local 1644 struck in Atlanta, Georgia, for a pay raise. This local of mostly African American sanitation workers saw labor and civil rights as part of the same struggle. They saw their fight as a continuation of the 1968 Memphis sanitation strike. For several years, they organized to get black civil rights leaders elected to public office. They succeeded in getting their man, Maynard Jackson, elected mayor of Atlanta. After all, as vice mayor, Jackson had supported their 1970 strike. Yet, in his first three years as mayor, he refused to give them a single raise. Consequently, their wages dropped below the poverty line for a family of four. Jackson accused AFSCME of attacking Black Power by challenging his authority. He fired over 900 workers by April 1 and crushed the strike by the end of April. Many believe this set the precedent for Reagan’s mass firing of 11,000 air traffic controllers during the PATCO strike, in 1981.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #union #AFSCME #PATCO #strike #atlanta #CivilRights #sanitation
#workingclass #LaborHistory #union #afscme #patco #strike #atlanta #civilrights #sanitation
It's clear after reading this why workers at the Tacoma Art Museum are unionizing -- and why managers and other senior staff are leaving. What a shame, it's been a great institution in the past.
The #FreedomFirst Caucus was in the #Florida senate today, yelling at senators that their constituents wouldn't vote for them if they didn't back everything the #Republicans put forward this session.
This includes the anti-#union bill SB256. The bill has to pass through 3 more Committees before a Senate vote, but #AFSCME has been told they no longer have the support or cooperation from the police and fire unions. If this passes, hundreds of state employees will be without union protection and face more retaliation from their agency employers
If this is what freedom looks like, according to them, then we're all fucked
#freedomfirst #florida #republicans #union #afscme
Update: #Florida state agencies are holding a "Job Fair" today in order to recruit enough people to deny #AFSCME recognition. Currently the state is losing against union members in sheer numbers, but they have a dirty trick up their sleeve: only Career Service level employees are eligible to unionize. Contractors and Management are not allowed to join the #union.
Current call to action is to put pressure on FL senators to change the language or outright kill this bill. Even if you're not in FL, please consider bringing attention to this and pressuring FL senators to do the right thing. Will they? Idk it's FL, but it doesn't hurt.
RT @jezebelee
Chicago library workers served the public daily through the pandemic and severe staff shortages, we deserve a fair contract today @chicagosmayor #faircontract #WeMakeChicagoWork #AFSCMEstrong #AFSCMECouncil31 #AFSCME
#faircontract #wemakechicagowork #afscmestrong #afscmecouncil31 #afscme
Today is the day. We want a fair contract today! @chicagosmayor #faircontract #WeMakeChicagoWork #AFSCMEstrong #AFSCMECouncil31 #AFSCME
#faircontract #wemakechicagowork #afscmestrong #afscmecouncil31 #afscme
AFSCME contests IDOC conclusion on Graham emergency
HILLSBORO -- A statement from the Illinois Department of Corrections last week concluded that substances discovered at Graham Correctiona
#EastCentralIllinoisRegion #Illinois #Local #AFSCME #GrahamCorrectionalCenter #IllinoisDepartmentofCorrections #illinoisnews #IllinoisStatePolice #JohnA.GrahamCorrectionalCenter #RobJeffreys #RobertaLynch
#eastcentralillinoisregion #illinois #local #afscme #grahamcorrectionalcenter #illinoisdepartmentofcorrections #illinoisnews #illinoisstatepolice #johna #robjeffreys #robertalynch
Labor-related session at #ARLISNA2023 (Mexico City):
4/19 - Art Library Workers United: On Unionizing Art Librarians (featuring panelists from #LEOUNion/#UMichigan, #AICWU/#SAIC, #PMAUnion, and #MICA)
#ARLISNA #ARLISNA23 #ArtLibraries #LibraryUnions #LibraryWorkers #LibraryLabor #AFSCME #CulturalWorkersUnited
#arlisna2023 #leounion #aicwu #pmaunion #mica #arlisna #arlisna23 #artlibraries #libraryunions #libraryWorkers #librarylabor #afscme #culturalworkersunited
Dr. King was in Memphis to march for #AFSCME workers, who demanded the dignity, opportunity, and respect that we all deserve on the job.
Solidarity and love, today and always.
#indiana #paygrades #collectivebargaining #afscme #labor #union #bloomington