Joint #AAUP - #AFT signature campaign re Florida situation. USians please ✍️ & 🔁!
"Faculty, advocates of academic freedom & anyone interested in preserving our democracy must fight these draconian measures with everything we have. The events unfolding in Florida are state-sponsored efforts to stifle ideas, silence debate, & limit the autonomy of educational institutions whose faculty, staff, students, or administrators may disagree with the party in power..."
New Episode Drops! 👍 #teachers #UnionYes #NEA #AFT #ISTA #Unions #TeachersUnions #UnionTeachers #Education #PublicEd #Teacher #Educators
#teachers #unionyes #nea #aft #ista #unions #teachersunions #unionteachers #education #publiced #teacher #educators
The AFL-CIO goes to war with Meta - POLITICO. #ShareholderResolutions #AFT #SumOfUs
#shareholderresolutions #aft #sumofus
I was really happy to hear that #PHLed moved forward with this plan to help paraprofessionals transition to teaching and see it featured in #AFT magazine. These are the people who already know & love our kids! We should definitely be investing in their career development when there's a teacher shortage. Let's go!
Teachers Union Membership Drops by 59,000 Across the Nation
NEA ended the school year with 2.5 million working members in 2021-22, down 40,107. AFT had 1.l2 million, a loss of 19,078
By Mike Antonucci #union #nea #aft #teaching
I love Adam Conover's work, and Randi Weingarten from The American Federation of Teachers is Fire in this episode.
#adamconover #randiweingarten #aft #moreperfectunion
New instance, first introductory post:
I teach American history at Colorado State University - Pueblo where I get to teach everything after the Civil War. With respect to research, I specialize in food history. I used to be 'that guy who hates MOOCs," and still spend a lot of time on edtech issues, just not publicly anymore. I'm a longtime member of the #AAUP who's working with them and the #AFT to organize my campus and my whole state university system.
Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers (#AFT), has denounced the former secretary of state Mike Pompeo for calling her “the most dangerous person in the world” and asserting that the nation’s schoolteachers teach “filth”.
OTD in 1946, teachers #strike in St. Paul, #Minnesota, the first organized #walkout by #teachers in the country. The month-long “strike for better schools,” involving some 1,100 teachers and principals, led to reforms in the way #schools were administered and operated.
Photo via the Minnesota Historical Society:
#strike #minnesota #walkout #teachers #schools #aft #aflcio #union
Here's a proper introduction:
I'm a professional #filmmaker (though my resume has been thin the past few years, not just because of pandemic), #academic #professor in English/Composition and #cinema studies (this past fall at #TCNJ for Global #animation #film class), as a hobby I #podcast on soundcloud (wages of Cinema follow us there I guess), I #write & watch a LOT of #movies. I have the best and most huggable wife, I'm a proud but often unsatisfied #leftist and member of the #AFT #union
#filmmaker #academic #professor #cinema #tcnj #animation #film #podcast #write #movies #leftist #aft #union