Video Talk for #AfterExtractivism by Andrea Vetter on ENERGY PERIPHERY
#Degrowth #Conviviality #Commons #ClimateJustice #lowtech #HausdesWandels
#hausdeswandels #lowtech #climatejustice #commons #conviviality #degrowth #afterextractivism
From Potemkin village to Potemkin Empire: The Specters of #Extractivism in the #Donbas
The imperial strategy of territorial expansion and #colonization of resources advanced by the #Putin regime will accelerate the decline of #Russia because behind its facade lie a large number of unknown, unexamined, and unaddressed systemic problems, Elena Batunova argues in her text series #AfterExtractivism exploring the case of the former #mining town of Novoshakhtinsk.
#mining #afterextractivism #russia #putin #colonization #donbas #extractivism
#CfC “Post-Communist Grounds. In Search of the Commons” #commons #postcommunism
deadline for submitting exposes is December 18, 2022
#afterextractivism #berlinergazette #postcommunism #commons #cfc
“After Extractivism”
a resource site with projects, texts, audios, and video talks tackling the Ecological-Economic Complex, Green Capitalism, Transition Justice
#afterextractivism #berlinergazette #extractivism