#afternoonbriefing which #KindergartenCadet can drive home the LNP narrative the fastest? Is this the standard of graduate?
#auspol @abcnews
#afternoonbriefing #kindergartencadet #auspol
Too funny. Sussan Ley does it again. @sussanley #afternoonbriefing #thedrum #abc730 #breakfastnews #auspol #Yes23 #VoteYes
#afternoonbriefing #thedrum #abc730 #breakfastnews #auspol #yes23 #voteyes
The LNP talked about a referendum on constitutional recognition since Abbott was elected in 2013. In 9 years they did nothing! Zilch! NADA!
This proposal by Peter Dutton is deceptive and disinguenuous.
#auspol @abcnews
#afternoonbriefing has been especially deceptive and biased towards the NO campaign today. It's such a shame that Stephanie Borris has tried to SLAP DOWN the #VoteYes #Yes23 campaign on what should've been a uniting day. Shame @abcnews! #auspol
#afternoonbriefing #voteyes #yes23 #auspol
Peter Dutton ticks and crosses #auspol #ABCNewsAtNoon #thedrum #afternoonbriefing #AEC
#auspol #abcnewsatnoon #thedrum #afternoonbriefing #aec
@GregJennett @abcnews the nerve of you to say #Robodebt should be now in the past. Such an LNP sichophant you are. You just disrespect all those vulnerable people that were affected and died as a result. #afternoonbriefing
NEVER FORGET the #LNPCruelty #afternoonbriefing #abc730 #qanda #insiders @abcnews
#lnpcruelty #afternoonbriefing #abc730 #qanda #insiders
@Qldaah and all Peter Dutton can do is say I know nothink!
What utter cowardice! #auspol #afternoonbriefing #thedrum
#auspol #afternoonbriefing #thedrum
#AusPol #AfternoonBriefing
Please don't quote the previous coalition as a good example of housing policy!
Who was in Govt & set the policies that created the current housing crisis?
How many additional social housing places were made under your Government?
Oh, right, you are the party of punch down.. not fair go
#Robodebt #RobodebtRC
@ScottMorrisonMP #auspol #afternoonbriefing #thedrum #abc730
#robodebt #robodebtrc #auspol #afternoonbriefing #thedrum #abc730
I thought @GregJennett was going to ask Peter Dutton the HARD QUESTIONS about his involvement in the bribery scandle. Looks like we've moved on. #afternoonbriefing #auspol
RT @strangerous10@twitter.com
Deborah O’Neill pounces on #PwC taking aim at former CEO Tom Seymour for playing down the scandal despite being “involved” & current CEO Kristin Stubbins for the “continued obfuscation”
O’Neill demands they “fess up”💥
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/strangerous10/status/1672140558410850304
@strangerous10 RT by @StephenMcDonell: Independent Zoe Daniel says “Ban gambling ads on television full stop” To Jennett’s suggestion of the need for revenue Daniel: “I think the same argument was made about alcohol, & the same argument was made about tobacco” 👏👏 #afternoonbriefing https://nitter.hongkongers.net/strangerous10/status/1640229202707496960#m
Russell Broadbent is a rare Liberal, going on the intent and benefits of having meaningful conversations rather than holding political party positions. His comments on #AfternoonBriefing with regard to the debate over changes to superannuation caps are spot on
Christopher Pyne, seriously, what a joke. Thinks politics is a game or a stand- up routine, at the very least a platform for his comedy routine. Journos love him. What a bloody con, I just want to slap him. We're talking about people's lives ffs. #AfternoonBriefing
Oh Barnaby you dickhead, you aren't listening. Or are you just intentionally muddying the waters? I think the latter. #Voice #AfternoonBriefing
RT @PeterWMurphy1@twitter.com
On #AfternoonBriefing, former Coalition Govt Minister Christopher Pyne is being petty and angry as he rails against the Albanese Govt for addressing energy prices, in consultation with state and territory govts. #auspol #gas #coal #energy
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PeterWMurphy1/status/1601087815034359808
#energy #coal #gas #auspol #afternoonbriefing
Impressed with what Minister Chris Bowen has achieved with facilitating dialogue between State & Territory Energy Ministers and the Commonwealth. Agreement on a capacity mechanism to secure electricity supply has been reached - something that was not even on the horizon for the coalition
#AfternoonBriefing #AusPol #Labor #EnergyMarket
#afternoonbriefing #auspol #labor #energymarket
@SeigeCeej work afternoon shift, but I need to catch up on #ABC730, #AfternoonBriefing and #TheDrum before bed 🤣
#abc730 #afternoonbriefing #thedrum
Ted O’Brian, Shadow Minister for Climate Change & Energy, wants a conversation on nuclear power ☢️ I suggest he listen to South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas, it’s too expensive!
Read the room, we’re onto renewables