This took too long and is important - #Disaster #alert accounts are preparing for a world #AfterTwitter. #Birdsite new rules limit the number of automated tweets an account can send out without paying, making it a less reliable place for #EmergencyAlerts. #API #NationalWeatherService #NWS #TornadoWarning, #FlashFlood, #StormPrediction, #wildfires #FirstResponders #tsunami #earthquake ##ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #weather #disasters #WeatherAlerts #welcome on #Masotodon
#disaster #alert #aftertwitter #birdsite #emergencyalerts #API #nationalweatherservice #nws #tornadowarning #flashflood #stormprediction #wildfires #firstresponders #tsunami #earthquake #ClimateCrisis #climatechange #weather #disasters #weatheralerts #welcome #masotodon
@tb I must say I like the phrase "after-twitter platforms" much better than "twitter alternatives".
#Aftertwitter sounds like something relating to twitter like the afterlife relates to life, or like the afterparty relates to the party. Transcendent, even.