DARC may survive longer than some think. We shall see.
Like many, I too have a list of #DARC problems, yes. But I also have another list, namely, of symptoms of health, including:
- The new DARC exam preparation material will come out with an extremely open license.
- The social.darc.de Fediverse server, chat.darc.de Matrix server, and treff.darc.de video conference server: All three see a lot of lively activity.
- The Hamgroup movement.
- Shameless plug: The #AfuBarcamp.
My first SoCraTes conference years ago was what got me excited about Barcamp style meetings. A while later, I suggested to #DARC we should have such a thing in German #hamradio. @dc4lw brought me into contact with Silvio DM9KS who had independently made the same suggestion. Silvio and I became friends and together managed to get #AfuBarcamp started. https://afubarcamp.de/
Im #hamradio sind wir neugierig und offen, "Weiterbildung" gehört dazu. Auf #DARC Bundesebene bietet das @AJW Vorträge, Hamgroups - und das wunderbar spontane #AfuBarcamp. Die Anwesenden schlagen vor, was sie interessiert, Schwarmintelligenz wirkt, das macht Spaß!
Am 9.-10. September findet endlich wieder eins in Präsenz statt! Netzwerken, Zusammenarbeit starten oder Freundschaften - geht alles in Präsenz besser!
Anmeldung möglichst bis zum 6.8.!
Ich freu mich schon!
I consider myself a veteran of the 1990s "open source war" against Microsoft.
I'm already plotting to return to "active duty". In particular, I plan to upgrade as many "good enough" computers to Linux when Windows 10 becomes artificially obsoleted as their owners will let me.
I won't rule out there might be a session on this during the upcoming September #DARC #AfuBarcamp https://afubarcamp.de/afubarcamp-2023-09
And yet more:
In our #DARC ham radio barcamp (#AfuBarcamp) code of conduct, we have a stance against discrimination based on license class, or absence of license.
Also, operational preferences should not be ridiculed. "Life is too short for QRP". Many more examples exist of the "X is no real amateur radio" type, with X, e.g.: QRP, QRO, FT-8, with computer, without computer.
Also: CW is antiquated and only for dinosaurs; alternatively only CW is true hamradio.
Personally, I think that old 1920s design of a code is no longer "abrest of science". It should be ditched, and replaced with something modern.
For the German #AfuBarcamp code of conduct, I went shopping a bit and found one that could be extended from general meetings to those hamradio meetings. In the years since, it has been suiting us well, I think.
Of course, a code for all of amateur radio is a tall order. I wish you well on that endeavor.
Heute Abend kostenloses #DARC Online-#AfuBarcamp: Das freundliche Austauschformat für alle möglichen Themen rund um unser Hobby. Themen, die Ihr selbst mitbringen könnt, wenn Ihr wollt; das Programm wird erst beim AfuBarcamp selbst gemacht. Um 19 MESZ (17 UTC) geht es los!
Wer Lust hat, mal zu schauen, was unsere Online-Plattform BBB für Möglichkeiten für Referierende bietet, kann das vorher ab 17 MESZ (15 UTC) tun.
Nähere Informationen und Einstiegslinks https://afubarcamp.de/afubarcamp-2023-05 .
@pylon Wenn Du magst, sehen wir uns vielleicht in Baunatal beim #AfuBarcamp am 9.-10.9..
Das gibt einen Terminkomflikt zwischen dem #FT4-#Contest des DARC und dem Technikvortrag des DARC von Dr. Volker Strecke DL8JDX zu seinen Antarktiserfahrungen auf https://treff.darc.de .
Das Online-#AfuBarcamp https://afubarcamp.de/afubarcamp-2023-05 des DARC ist glücklicherweise eine Woche früher. Ufff!
Der #DARC sollte einen Kalender einrichten, wo wir Planer nachschauen können, bei welchen Terminen es welche Konflikte gibt. Derzeit haben wir mindestens drei: OV-Kalender, treff und Contestkalender.
#darc #afubarcamp #contest #FT4
Uuuups - actually, this is not true. Our written code of conduct does not explicitly have a rule against "X isn't real amateur radio".
However, it does demand respect regarding the preferences of others.
I summarize our code of conduct at the beginning of each #AfuBarcamp meeting. Over the years, I have always been giving those examples. So I believed those to be part of our written CoC - maybe they should be, but they are not.
Our German #AfuBarcamp's code of conduct (CoC) specifically has a rule against any "X isn't real #hamradio".
And a few example pairs to show how ridiculous it is:
- with computer / without computer
- with PA / life is too short for QRP
- CW is outdated / only CW counts
and so on.
People are invited to stick to "I don't like X" instead.
I speculate much of the success of AfuBarcamp comes from our CoC, and our believe it matters.
We had an anonymous poll yesterday: 6 out of 11 session participants who gave information self-identified as LGBTQ*. Also, 5 out of 12 self-identified as not neurotypical (autism spectrum, ADHS, or other neurodiverse).
Both polls were taken in a session on "diversity" during yesterday's #hamradio #DARC #AfuBarcamp.
Not a representative sample of German hams, not by any stretch of the imagination. Still, I'm proud of those numbers.
@abraxas3d @k5okc
Die Räume sind eingerichtet, die Dateien für Plattformeinführung und Sessionplanung vorbereitet: Das #hamradio #AfuBarcamp kann kommen!
Ich freu mich schon auf heute abend um 19 Uhr MEZ = 18 UTC!
Vor dem #AfuBarcamp (nächsten Dienstag) ist nach dem AfuBarcamp (im Oktober):
Endlich habe ich den Bericht über die Oktoberveranstaltung verfasst und auf die Webseite ins Archiv gepusht: https://afubarcamp.de/bericht-2022-10
Wer Lust drauf hat: Bis Dienstagabend!
Related: Under the project name MÜT, a few German #hamradio ops are at least thinking about a headless allmode QRP SDR TRX for 2 m.
Concept: A USB cable connects to a PC and the rig should register a USB sound card + a USB serial (for CAT).
Result thus far: We think it should be doable.
Rumors gave it one person already fired up a soldering iron for initial experiments.
(Shameless plug: This started at the recent #afubarcamp.)
@abraxas3d wrote an excellent piece about diversity in #hamradio. (Big thanks! 💜)
It speaks to the USA/ARRL situation, but we in Europe and in #DARC can also profit from this.
One learning for me: If you want diversity, you must have some code of conduct and enforce it.
Recommended reading!
To find: This toot answers the announcement, which started an interesting thread. It itself is at https://github.com/Abraxas3d/Demographics/blob/master/Who-We-Are.pdf
#AfuBarcamp will discuss diversity.
@Helga_1105 Wenn Du Fragen zum Thema "OV-Neugründung" stellen möchtest oder OV-Erfahrungen einsammeln, das geht auf einem #DARC #AfuBarcamp natürlich auch immer.
Aber kein Stress. Das übernächste AfuBarcamp kommt bestimmt!
The invitation for the next #AfuBarcamp is online at https://afubarcamp.de !
Online, free of charge, scheduled for January 17 in the EU evening.
An AfuBarcamp is a German Barcamp for #hamradio.
A Barcamp is an friendly, open format designed for exchange of people sharing a common interest. I love 'em!
For those who are no German speakers:
- If enough voice interest, we might offer an English edition.
- If you want to start a hamradio Barcamp in your country, you can ask us for help.
@Helga_1105 Herzlich willkommen! Ich hoffe, es gefällt Dir hier!
Und ich hoffe, etwas Werbung ist erlaubt:
Am 17.1. abends findet online das nächste #AfuBarcamp statt.
Wenn Du allgemein neugierig bist, was so abgeht, oder eigene Interessen hast ("Anfängerfrage" reicht), könnte das was für Dich sein.
Ein AfuBarcamp setzt auf offenen Austausch in wertschätzender Atmosphäre und auf Schwarmintelligenz. Coole Sache! Ich freue mich immer wieder drauf!
- Finding something new to play with, getting into it, trying it out, learning.
- Taking part in an #AfuBarcamp to share the experiences, bring home an idea what to try next, and meet nice people.
Advertisement: Next one, in German, Jan 17 online 17:30 UTC. Not on the official website yet 🫣.