#AGABY Vollversammlung is complete. Landkreis Freising is now a full member.
#goodmorning everyone.
#Today is the Vollsammlung of #AGABY. I will be going in support of our #Intergrationsbeirat Delegate. I'm just finishing my coffee and then start for the train station to go to #Regensburg again.
#goodmorning #today #agaby #intergrationsbeirat #Regensburg #immigration #intergration #vielfalt
On my way home. It was a very interesting day. I've been trying to summarize my thoughts on what I learned today. There was a lot of information. The key theme throughout was networking.
I'm looking forward to discussing things with my fellow Integrationsbeiräte.
#immigration #intergration #vielfalt #agaby
#Goodmorning everyone
#Today is the last day of the week. I still have lots to do for the big merge at work, but at least I'm in Home Office today
Our city's #volksfest starts tonight, which means I may get a chance to have my favorite burger. Looking forward to that.
#Tomorrow I'll be visiting #Regensburg for the #AGABY.
#goodmorning #today #Volksfest #tomorrow #Regensburg #agaby