"I didn't recognize him right away, but I knew he'd crossed me in the past and he had done something awful to me," Osthoff, a Navy veteran from New Jersey, told NPR.
Then suddenly a reporter on the screen yelled something along the lines of "What's your name today?" Osthoff said. And that's when it struck him.
#georgesantos #AgainstCatastrophe
#againstcatastrophe #georgesantos
Mining landscapes have a lot to teach humans about what the future might look like, and how we might be empowered by looking beyond the horizon of the #Anthropocene.
Read my case for engaging with post-extractive landscapes in: "Learning from Landscapes for the Post-Anthropocene" - just published in the #AgainstCatastrophe #Energy drop edited by Johanna Mehl and Moritz Ingwersen of #TUDresden
Love to hear your thoughts!
#TUDresden #Energy #againstcatastrophe #anthropocene