On Saturday mornings we raise the White Trash flag! This is our Anthem. #AgainstTheGrain
It’s #FictionFriday and we close the evening with #AgainstTheGrain by #AnitaGoveas. (Page 61) Enjoy! #mockingowlroost #SpecialIssue #AllTheColors #fiction #fictionwriter #writer #fictionfriyay
(Picture in the center of a background of pink/green are word working tools. The titles and by-line are in black in the background.)
#fictionfriday #againstthegrain #anitagoveas #mockingowlroost #specialissue #allthecolors #fiction #fictionwriter #writer #fictionfriyay
#FilmFriday Nikon F2 | Reflx 800T #nikon #nikonf2 #FilmPhotography #NikonPhotography #reflx800t #ReflxFilm #DallasPhotography #dallas #DancingInTheGrain #GrainyDays #AgainstTheGrain #BeliveInFilm #FilmIsNotDead
#FilmFriday #nikon #nikonf2 #filmphotography #nikonphotography #reflx800t #reflxfilm #dallasphotography #dallas #dancinginthegrain #grainydays #againstthegrain #beliveinfilm #filmisnotdead
Nikon F2 | Reflx 800T
#nikon #nikonf2 #filmphotography #nikonphotography #reflx800t #relfxfilm #dallasphotography #dallas #dancinginthegrain #grainydays #againstthegrain
#FilmFriday #nikon #nikonf2 #filmphotography #nikonphotography #reflx800t #relfxfilm #dallasphotography #dallas #dancinginthegrain #grainydays #againstthegrain
#AgainstTheGrain Archives | #KPFA
Award-winning program of ideas, in-depth analysis, and commentary on a variety of matters — political, economic, social, and cultural — important to progressive and radical thinking and activism. Against the Grain is co-produced and co-hosted by Sasha Lilley and C. S. Soong.
KPFA - Against the Grain: Victory at the #ZAD https://kpfa.org/program/against-the-grain/
📎 les voeux de #macron c'est comme s'il m'avait dit "reculez, reculez que je vous carresse à rebrousse poil.." #againstthegrain