"A translator's best hope, I think, and still the hardest to achieve, is Dryden's hope that his author will speak the living language of the day. And not in a way that caters to its limits, one might add, but that gives its life and fibre something of a stretching in the process."
- Robert Fagles' Preface to his version of The Oresteia (1976).
#RobertFagles #Oresteia #Agamemnon #TheLibationBearers #TheEumenides #AncientGreek #bookstodon @bookstodon
#robertfagles #oresteia #agamemnon #thelibationbearers #theeumenides #ancientgreek #bookstodon
To Be Ignorant Is to Be Afraid
"To be ignorant is to be afraid, and in the dark mystery of the unknown a man cannot find his way alone. He must have guides to speak to him with authority." — Edith Hamilton, The Greek Way
And, truly, what of goodever have prophetsbrought to men?Craft of many words,only throughevil your message speaks.Seers bring ayeter
#History #Learning #Agamemnon #Æschylus #EdithHamilton #MarkTwain
#history #learning #agamemnon #æschylus #edithhamilton #marktwain
Babylon station, Agamemnon and Starfuries by Chris Kuhn, converted to C4D/Redshift by me.
#sf #scifi #sciencefiction #scifiart #render #renderedart #renderedscifiart #Babylon5 #Starfuries #Babylon5Fanart #C4D #Cinema4D #Agamemnon
#agamemnon #cinema4d #c4d #babylon5fanart #starfuries #babylon5 #renderedscifiart #renderedart #render #scifiart #sciencefiction #SciFi #sf
Ahí va mi crítica del #Agamèmnon de Ritsos/Bidegain en la @SalaAtrium
No negaré que tengo mis reparos. Pero lo importante es que Gerard Bidegain y Teorema Teatre han creado una hermosa expectativa 👇👇👇
🔗 https://recomana.cat/obres/agamemnon/critica/una-hermosa-expectativa
Representar la poesía dramática de Yannis Ritsos para 50 espectadores, con este elenco 👇 es un lujo programador difícil de ver. No sale en las listas de "el teatro que viene", etc. (vete a saber por qué). Pero, para mí, es EL estreno teatral de enero en Barcelona.
Mykenischer Löwe, 1234 BCE, 567kg reines Gold, jetzt #Pergamonmuseum in #Berlin.
Habe ihn am Strand gefunden und im Handgepäck mit nach #Flensburg genommen. Mein Kollege #Agamemnon sagte, ich solle ihn unbedingt ins Museum bringen. Also den Löwen, nicht Agamemnon. Nahm auf dem Balkon einfach zu viel Platz weg. Auch hier, der Löwe, nicht Agamemnon. Himmel.
Nein, natürlich nicht. Es ist der #Idstedt #Löwe vom #AlterFriedhof in #Flensburg. In Kürze hier in seinem natürlichen Habitat.
#pergamonmuseum #berlin #flensburg #agamemnon #idstedt #lowe #AlterFriedhof