It was almost sunny here today. Here’s a couple of pictures of the #Agapanthus in my garden.
@ruhrpottmeise 'Die wörtliche Übersetzung des Namens #Agapanthus bedeutet #Liebesblume. Schon vor über 200 Jahren fand die Schmucklilie den Weg in die Gärten vornehmer Familien, Besitzern von Orangerien. Eine voll erblühte Pflanze mit blauen oder weissen Blütendolden war und ist eine Zierde für jede Terrasse und Gartenanlage.'
Wohl wahr 😍
#FlowerFriday: A #Lily of the #Nile #Flower. While native to Africa, the plant’s origin is nowhere near the Nile basin.
The beautiful #blue #flowers it creates are amazing, though, and the name, “#African Lily” is more appropriate.
#FlowersOfMastodon, #BlueFlower, #LilyOfTheNile, #AfricanLily #Blue, #Agapanthus, #Photography, #Macro, #MacroPhotography, #Photograph, #Photo
#flowerfriday #lily #nile #flower #blue #flowers #african #flowersofmastodon #blueflower #lilyofthenile #africanlily #agapanthus #photography #macro #macrophotography #photograph #photo
Good morning. #TGIF. Have a good day. 🌻
Here's an #Agapanthus in a small public park next to the Australian Academy of Science (aka #TheShineDome, aka #MartianEmbassy) which is in the centre of #Canberra.
#BushCapital #Plants #Flowers #FlowersOfMastodon #Nature #NgunnawalCountry #Photo #GardeningAU #Photography #NaturePhotography #Foliage #Australia #BlueSky #WildOz
#tgif #agapanthus #theshinedome #martianembassy #canberra #bushcapital #plants #flowers #flowersofmastodon #nature #ngunnawalcountry #photo #gardeningau #photography #naturephotography #foliage #australia #bluesky #wildoz
Hello. Today's random photo is a white agapanthus and a bee.
#GardeningAU #Flowers #Flora #Nature #NaturePhotography #FlowersOfMastodon #Bee #BeesOfMastodon #Agapanthus
#gardeningau #flowers #flora #nature #naturephotography #flowersofmastodon #bee #beesofmastodon #agapanthus
Agapanthus flower from my grandparents back garden for #PhotoMonday :)
#photomonday #flower #agapanthus #nature
The Bee Team.
A cape honey bee collects nectar from an agapanthus africana
#flowers #agapanthus #bee #flowerphotography
#photograph #photography
#flowers #agapanthus #bee #flowerphotography #photograph #photography